Kaldur x reader

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Oh you were feeling annoying. You were just sitting around and then this massive and sudden urge to annoy someone combusted inside you. Who better to annoy than Kaldur one of your closest friends on the team. You locked your phone while a devious smirk gracing your face, then filled the room with an evilly low chuckle.

But where was Kaldur?

Just as you asked yourself that Bart came into the room with a bag of Doritos. "Yo, dude. Ya know where Kal ma man is?"

He looked at the ceiling as he thought. "I think he went out or something. Why?"

You held back the evil grin. "Just wondering."

With that you turned around and laughed as you walked away. Bart watched you with fear and curiosity. He knew you were up to something, but he feared that if he questioned it he would be the target instead.

You made your way to the kitchen to find Me'gan baking some brownies and was just getting them of the oven. "Hmmm, those smell good."

She smiled and let's them cool. "You can have some once they've cooled down."

"Noice. By the way do you know when Kaldur will be back? I let him one of my history books and I need it back." I lied smoothly and coolly.

"I believe in a hour."

"Ok. Thanks." I walked out of the kitchen to the beach.

---------------- time skip peeps.------------------

I ran around the beach looking for crabs and hermits. Gathering as many as I could fit in my pocket then running frantically back to the mountain. Just as you got back into the cave you looked down to your hands for a split second before colliding your face with a firm chest. You bounced off but quickly found your balance and saw a pretty face with a scowl. You quickly hide your hands behind your back cause you know Conner will give you the "look of disapproval". You try to go around him but he grabbed your arm.

"What are you up to?"

His hold didn't hurt. You and him were roughly the same in terms of strength, but you knew he wouldn't let go until you answered truthfully. "I was just-oh hey Superman."

Conner's head spun around so fast you'd expect it to snap, but you took his distraction to your advantage and ran straight for Kaldur's  room. You put the crabs and hermits in his jacket pockets, drawers and under his covers. Then, got a white permanent  marker to write on the back of his clothes. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it's been nearly a hour. "Fuck."

I need to hide. I search around the room. The closet was too obvious, under the bed is creepy and I can't make myself invisible. I start to panic. Maybe there's still time for me to set up a camera and leave. Just as I was about to leave the room I heard foot steps and from the sounds of it Kaldur. I whisper-shouted, "Shit shit. Fuck no. Fuck fuck."

There's only one place now.

I managed to get to the hiding spot just as Kaldur opened the door. He stood at the door for  a moment sensing that something was wrong but shook it off. I let out a breath that I didn't know I were holding and was really praying to whoever for him not to look up. Yes, that's rights I'm in the dark corner of the room holding on the walls like a  bloody ninja.

I couldn't wait for him to find the little things and then cook them and eat them in front of him later. He walked over to the drawers and you were dying from anticipation, but he retracted his hand and you were confused. He walked over to his closet and got out a new set of clothes. He started to undress. Holy fuck 

His muscles flexed as he got changed and the lighting in the room does him justice. damn Kaldur. He took off his trousers and was left only in his boxers. My arms almost gave out, but I held firm and to my luck he didn't notice anything. He then put on the new clothes and I had to hold my laugh in so hard. He wore the ones where I wrote 'smack that' and drew arrows down his back to point at his butt. Where there were two white targets and he has no idea.

My sides were hurting and tears were threatening to spill. After he was done he walked out and I went down and rolled on the floor howling with laughter. A few minutes passed and I managed to collect enough to myself to go to the lounge to find everyone laughing and a very confused Kaldur in the middle of it.

"I do not understand. What is so funny."

I burst out laughing too. No one was collected enough to explain Gar managed a "Dude!"

After a bit more of laughing I walked towards Kaldur and smacked him on the ass, winked and said in his ear. "Alright hot-stuff. I see your packing some nice buns."

He blushed like hell, while I walked away laughing.

-------------- Le time skip to bed time ------------


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