Reader is in control

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You didn't know what to do. You forcefully woke yourself up in the middle of the night to find yourself surrounded by colourful lights around your room. Fascinated you touched it and it caused a small explosion, which you thought would blow up in your face. But you held your hands up to protect yourself and that is how you learnt that you could make and control energy. However, you didn't want to be a hero you just wanted to be you with no responsibilities and the weight of another's life in your hands. So, logically you stayed as far away from the heroes and villains altogether.

Yet, somehow life doesn't go your way because peace is overrated and quite frankly you just attract trouble. Like a Vampire is attracted to the blood of humans because it is their life essence. You were out on the streets running some errands. Well, you say errands but really you just went to get a box of donuts for yourself because you a fatty with no regrets. The purchase was clean and smooth. Into the shop, grab the 12 assorted donut box, pay and get out. Simple as that.

Unable to wait until you got home to enjoy the sweetness of the fluffiness of the delicious (I didn't make sense but who cares) you stopped on the side walk and picked out your favourite one. You brought it towards your mouth, but unfortunely  life gets in the way and there was a loud crash causing the ground to shake. You dropped it.

Never have you felt such despair. Falling to your knees and using your arms to support you fighting the tears that so badly wanted to emerge. There was another loud crash followed by another mini-earthquake and this time you turned to the cause of the noise. At this sight have you never felt so angry before. It was the so-called heroes and villain that was fighting in town. In the middle of the street tearing up the place.

Even so, you held onto your anger choosing to make the better choice of forgetting about your fallen donut, as you still had 11 left. You reached out to them but your body reacted pulling your arm back just as a lamp post fell onto your box of donuts. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath in. Hearing the all the commotion the heroes of justice battling their foes played tremendously loud.

Whispering quietly to yourself. "Breathe. Breathe. Breath."

Just as you calmed down you were thrown back by a force which resembled a body. Falling harshly back onto the ground you grunted as you tried to get back up, but failing to do so because there was a person in blue laying horizontally across you. Using your elbows to support yours and their weight you coughed loudly. They sat up putting their weight on your stomach making it very hard for you to breath. They rubbed their head and mumbled.

Clearly he wasn't going to move any time soon you shoved him off and got up. You glared at the blue form on the floor. "Your heavy you know that?"

"Oh my. Lo siento. I didn't-" He began.

But you interrupted while brushing off dust. "No. Of course not. None of you ever do."

He held out his hand. Gesturing for a handshake. "I'm Blue beetle. Let me get you to safety."

You looked expressionlessly at his outstretched hand and then at his masked face. "I'm fine. But I can't say the same for my donuts though."

He looked apologetic and was about to say something, but a light beam of some sort was hurling towards you. Blue beetle quickly reacted and tackled you out of the way. "Are you alright-"

You shoved him off of you again and you quickly stood up. Marching determinedly towards the battlegrounds.  "Miss. Wait you can't go there. It's too dangerous."

Grumbling under your breath you made it to the heart of the battle. You held your hands up and created a force field separating them. "I've had it with you fuckers. Making a fucking mess everywhere you fucking go. Justice this, justice that." Whipping your head to the villains. "And i'm sick of you guys always fucking failing and having to come back. There are better fucking ways to rule the fucking world you know. Fucking stupid pieces of shit."

"Now, I'm going to release the force field and if you fight again. I'm going to make a small explosion in your face. Got it?" There was silence. "Ok, then."

You brought your arms down and the force field came down with it. Then, one of the villains tried to shoot you, but with a click of your fingers a small explosion happened in front of their face. knocking them out. "Anyone else?"

They all shook their heads violently. Behind you was Blue beetle looking very impressed with not only your abilities but also how you took charge like that.

You smirked to yourself as you turned around and walked away. Giving a slight nod to Blue beetle as you made your way back to the donut to reward your awesome self.

-----------skip to donut shop---------------

You stood their in front of the donut shop with tears dropping out of your eyes. Sinking to your knees you took a deep breath in and howl at the pain you felt.

********************back at the battle grounds**************


"What was that?" Asked Blue beetle.

Everyone just shrugged their shoulders.

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