Jamie Reyes x reader

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You were from another planet with the abilities to teleport, fly, make portals and heal injuries with kisses. You came to Earth after refusing to accept the marriage proposal from royalty from another planet. However, being the independent person you were you flat out refused and ran away with nothing but your abilities. Not very smart, but it was in the spur of the moment as you like to be dramatic. Shame you didn't have any glitter.

Currently, you were with the young justice team and let's just say you've got your eyes on one of the members. Can you guess? That's right the boy clad in the blue Kree amour. He spoke differently from the other team members but you found it much more intriguing. From the moment you met him you instantly took a liking to his kind manner and how amusing it was when he spoke to the scarab. However, you did not know how to approach him, so you used the internet and found ways humans courted each other and you put them into practice.

You recalled your attempts...


You once tried to make some human treats for him to enjoy and you were quite proud of yourself. You presented the human food called "cookies" in front of Jamie with a huge smile. "What are these, (y/n)?"

Your smile faltered and you looked at him in confusion. "I believe you humans called these cookies?"

"Ah. ok." He reached out to one and took a bite. "Mmmmm. These are really good. Hey, hermano! Come and try the cookies (y/n) made. They're delicious."

"Thank you." You beamed and offered a cookie to Bart as well.

He too took one of the cookies and ate it. "Wow. Your right. What did you put in them?"

"I simply followed the recipe I found and for extra benefits I added mushed maggots and cricket eggs." Their faces went pale. "Is something the matter?"

They gulped and shook their heads violently. "Then, please have another."

They took one slowly and then told you Batman was behind you, which you quickly spun around to see. As, you did so the boys threw the cookies away and when you turned back they pretended to have eaten them. Rubbing their bellies and giving you a thumbs up.


 Not to mention you tried the advice M'gann by trying to be more appealing to his eyes, so you took the advice and she had the idea of another beach day with everyone. Then, took you shopping for a bikini and it was fun. You picked out a (f/c) bikini, which was flattering and not all too revealing. However, he was acting odd during your interactions with him that day.


Everyone was on the beach setting up the BBQ, beach towels and putting sun cream on. You looked over to M'gann hesitantly at which she gave you a reassuring smile and winked at you. After taking a deep breath you found the confidence to take off your sun dress and caused the guys to look and few whistles from the guys, as well as Artemis. Causing you to blush and taking a glance at Jamie who was also suffering from blushing-my-arse-off syndrome before looking away.

Hours went by and everyone was having a great time, until Dick hurt himself by slipping in the water and cutting his shin open. You ran to him quickly and kneed down by his side.

Worry laced your words. "This is bad. This should be treated immediately."

Dick chuckled, trying to push away the pain and not grimacing at the fact he could see his bone. "It's not that bad."

The others also gather around him with a first aid kit, but you held your hand up to signal them to stop. "There is no need for that. I've got this."

With that you gave Dick a peck on the lips causing everyone to stare in shock. You pulled away and saw everyone looking at you with awestricken faces with Dick also showing a tint of red on his cheeks. "Well, I didn't know you liked me like that, sweet cheeks. I wouldn't mind another." Pulling one of his famous smirks.

You burst out laughing causing him to become very confused. "Look at your shin."

He and everyone did. It was all healed with nothing left to show that the wound was once there. Only the stained sand that his blood leaked onto. Everyone was impressed apart from Jamie who looked irritated.


Now you were trying to think of another way to try and catch Jamie's attention. As, you pondered about it you didn't look at where you were going and bumped into something hard.

"Sorry." You said, as you rubbed your nose.

"It's fine. It was my fault as well." You looked at their face and what were the chances? It was Jamie.

"Were you heading somewhere?"

"I was just heading to med bay. I kind of broke a finger." He lifted his hand up and there was his index finger swinging loosely as if it didn't have any bones at all.

You gasped. "I can take care of this immediately."

His face began to burn red as he remembered your ability to heal injuries with a kiss. "What? No, it's fin-"

Took late. You tip toes and placed your lips upon his. It felt magical. His lips against yours just felt right, but you needed to pull away. As, you moved back you show how red his face was which caused your face to turn as equally red.

You averted your gaze out of shyness. "Sorry." You mumbled.

You were about to walk away, but before you could you felt an arm snake their way around your waist. The lips you just tasted mere seconds ago placed upon yours again. Shocked but your eyes fluttered closed. After sharing a sweet and passionate kiss you broke apart and gazed into each other's eyes. "If you keep kissing everyone for every injury they have I'll never stop being jealous, amor."

You laughed. "No grantees. I like to get around."

With that you turned and walked away. "What? Wait a minute, amor."

You really need to start carrying glitter.

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