Chapter 5

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(Hey guys I'm back! Trial exam can so stressful. Here's the chapter.Enjoy( '∀`)

Airi's POV

"H-help" the voice was weak desperately pleaded for help.

But, why does a little girl doing here?

Yusa jumped at the voice with tears in her eyes
"Yusa is scared..."

We all kept quiet at that. As I was the first to walk further into the hallway. Nao was deep in thought while following my footsteps along with the others.

We looked at the red painted walls of the hallway. Old Japanese folklore pictures were hung with eerily decorated traditional style furniture to make the hallway less empty.

Takajo was examining the pictures with a determined look plastered on his sweating face.

" Interesting, I have never seen these pictures before. Whoever hung all of these pictures must be a weird sociopath." He said quietly

"These pictures are twisted with some kind of weird message attached beside it." Yuu commented while looking at a picture with the title ' Devil's Contract '

I walked beside and read it

The devil always had a place in this world. So, what's the point living on?

' I'll be watching you...'

The last words was written by blood. Suddenly, cold air surrounded us making the others shiver. I looked around boredly trying to find something useful for our escape..

But, unfortunately there was nothing useful that we could use.

I took a few steps ahead to a golden brown double door with unusual carvings around it. I stood in front of it and decided to open the door.

" Hey! Wait for us!"

The rest of the gang walked quickly and stood behind me. I could heard Takajo gulped nervously at the door.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Yuu muttered under his breath

I slowly creaked open the door......


I slowly creaked open the door to revealed a few bloodied corpses lying about on the cement floor. The smell was horrible as the corpses had just started to rot. Blood splattered around the room making it a bit suffocating to breath for air.

Yusa trembled in fear as she started running outside followed by Takajo.

" Who could've done such a horrible thing?" Nao said in monotone while keeping her attention at a particular box beside these corpses. The box was wrapped neatly and was clean unlike the rest in the room. Yuu were standing by the door lost in thought as I walked to pick up the box.

I unwrapped it to find a black with white stripes journal. I started to flip the pages to find a research report on making human to a a doll in order to preserve their beauty (mad father anyone?) Whoever wrote this he or she need some help with their experiment by slaughtering innocent people to be their subjects.

Footsteps could be heard behind me

" So what did you find so far?" I heard a voice coming from behind me. I looked behind to find Nao and Yuu were unconcious and a male figure slowly makes it's way to me.

A man in his early thirties appeared with casual clothes wearing a sinister smile on his face. I looked at him indifferent plastered on my face because of my non-existence emotion making him filled up with curiosity as he was expecting for someone like me to scream or call for help. But no reaction came up from me.

He took a step closer letting him examine me from head to toe.

"Interesting." He laughed sadistically

"I was expecting a reaction from you but it seems your mind is as blank as your stare." He said still smiling.

I used my powers on him making him screamed in pain. He clutched his head with both of his arms making him stumbled to the ground.

"I don't like you." I said calmly while trying to break his mind using my powers.

"What the hell is happening?!" He wore a pained expression trying very hard to attack me with an iron pipe that was in his hands from the very start. I dodged his attack and gave him a sly smirk making him glare at me.

" You'll pay for this!" He yelled while still trying his best to attack me then I came to an abrupt stop at using my powers. At the same time, he passed out cold as my powers had drained most of his life energy plus sanity.
Takajo and Yusa suddenly came up to me panting while looking pale as a ghost.

"Are you alright?" Takajo asked me worriedly. I simply nod making him sigh in relief. Yusa was crying because this whole event was to much for her to handle.

" Where did you guys go, just now." I asked at them both

" I ran away because these corpses were too much for me to handle. But, Takajo followed me and we ended up lost. Let's get out of here I think I want to passed out any minute ," she quickly helped Nao to stand up and exited the room as Takajo did the same to Yuu.

I trailed behind them.. before I could step outside a hand grabbed my back and force me to stay inside. The atmosphere of the room turns into a chilly place like those in horror movies. A little girl with red dress was standing right before me muttering;


" Cannot be forgiven."

" Mommy doesn't like him "

As I looked at the box that I've picked it up to find a photo of a young lady with her daughter holding hands and a stuffed teddy bear beside the journal.

'This must be the only ability wielder that can use her powers in the afterlife.' I thought to myself carefully lending the photo and the teddy bear to her.

She took it before crying while saying her gratitude for reuniting her with her mother. Her spirit disappeared in bright light causing me to closed my eyes.

After that, I walked away calmly making my way outside the room.


That was so long ..about 1004 words. The next chapter will reveal the secrets behind the mansion.

Thank you for reading this
S and I hope you have a nice day(^_^)

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