Chapter 13

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Airi's POV

One word to describe this school at this normal Monday morning.


Where did everybody go?

Something feels off today. I don't know how to describe it but everything seems death. Just like your typical horror movie atmosphere. There's a hidden tesion within the air. 

I walked towards my school compound.'Usually this place is crowded before class started' I thought.

Trees rustling about because of the morning breeze as it swayed my pink straight hair. The school entrance seemed deserted. I looked around, not a single student was seen mingling around here.


I turned at the parking lot to find it empty. Where's the teachers? Aren't they supposed to be in school by now? I only heard my footsteps marching into the school. My feet stepped onto the green hallway floor. Still,deserted.

Is it a public holiday today?Why didn't I know?

I shrugged and decided to go back to the facility instead of standing here like an idiot. Turned my heels towards the entrance door.

My cold hands was an inch away from the door handle.


I tried pushing the door open but it won't bugged. I tried pushing it again the door still won't open.

Just give up already. You're locked here with me~

I heard the voice coming out from the school's speaker. I kicked the door with much more force but no sign of opening it.

What a pity, I was hoping to see a scared little Airi~

The voice laughed sinisterly. I stood there like a pole. 'What's going on here?' I looked back at the dimmed school hallway. The air became colder as I put both of my hands into my school's blazer pocket.

Come to me little Airi~

The voice then dissapeared into the background. Following the light bulbs in the hallway to explode with perfect precision. Glass shattered everywhere as I looked at what just happen with a blank expression. Student's locker were painted in grafitti that says "You know where to find me~" with a smiley beside it.

Its pretty disturbing honestly but I just ignored it and began walking further into the hallway. It was too dark to see where I was going because the only light source  that lit up the entire hallway had just exploded a few minutes ago. A black figure came running to me. "Mei-senpai! Over here!" Yuu waved at me while catching his breath with his left hand supported his body.

"?" I looked at him with my usual expression making him sighed in relief to see I was still my normal self. Nao suddenly appeared beside us using her invisibility. As usual she brought her camcorder to record our situation being locked in a school. This building was supposed to be full of knowledge but now it seems like it want to kill us in it.

I checked my phone to find it death while both of them did the same thing which was also to be the same result as me. Yuu sighed in frustration "Great. First the mansion and now this."

"I guess I'm stuck with you guys until we escaped then. Is not like I have a choice to be honest." Nao said casually earning a glare from Yuu "Excuse you."

Nao ignored his words continuing to record this dark hallway on tape.

Ah~I see you've brought some friends over to play with me. Hehe~

"Coward!" Yuu yelled at the voice as his fist punch straight to the nearest wall. The voice chuckled in amusement at his outburst.
Nao was standing idly by Yuu so lost in her thoughts unaware Yuu's flushed face because of anger.

As time to seems to past swiftly by, we climbed up the stairs in silence to the first floor of our school building. You see, the announcement room was located at the top floor of  this four storey building.

We were now walking side by side in this deserted hallway passing every fresh mans classes with ease.


The wall crumbles to the ground making us unable to proceed any further into the hallway. Yuu gasped at the sight "!"

" I don't get paid for this." I mumbled under my breath analyzing the situation carefully 'Someone likes to mess with us, it seems.' I thought to myself. Nao  stood frozen in place with her eyes wide open "..."

I looked at the direction that she was now staring. A strange cloaked figure stood just right behind us holding a fire ball in his hand. "Well, little chicks its time to say goodbye." he smirked at his catchphrases. Lame.

Without a second thought he threw the fireball at us. Yuu and Nao manged to dodge his sudden attack while I managed to make time into a standstill using my power. Surprisingly, he's not affected by this and continued on throwing fireballs at me.  He snickered "Aren't you a cutie?"

He then began throwing sharp poker cards hiting the wall behind me. I felt a pain on my left cheek, it was that card. Yuu clenched his fist and recklesslg lunged at him but was stop by Nao. She gave him a disaproving look causing him to unwillingly back down.

There's something written on the cards. It said;

I'm a Joker. Dangerous and silly at the same time.

"What  does he want?" I questioned as I pulled a sharp metallic fan from my high knee socks and began attacking him without warning.  He smiled victoriously swiftly avoiding my attacks "Straight to the point huh? I like that. Heh."

I kept on attacking him but to no avail it did not scratch him even for a bit. He then took a chance by pushing me against the wall.

'I was careless.' I thought while gazing at him indifferently. He forced a smile at me as he was inches away from my face.

I attacked him again from the side and again he managed to dodge it. Instantly, five poker cards was thrown. I jumped avoiding from being hit, I then swung my fan at him letting out several daggers in the air causing him to teleport behind me.

He smirked at my pathetic attempt. On the other hand, both Yuu and Nao was silently watching us from the sidelines didn't even bother to help. The 'Joker' spoke "Not bad."

A white note appear in front of me while he disappear into thin air. I can still sense his presence, he's watching me from afar with his infamous smirked.

He wants to meet you...

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