Chapter 2

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Chapter two


-Museum of Natural History-

Percy stalked silently through the shadows of the museum in his seventeen year old form watching his once brother Paris going through the events that he had once done. 'Here we go,' he thought when he saw 'Mrs. Dodds' leading Paris off to the side 'now things are getting interesting'. What happened next made him nearly burst a rib from laughing, he had expected the idiot to be scared but to pass out cold was even more pathetic than he expected. Looking at him out of the corner of her eye she winked before he caused a scaffold behind her to collapse onto where she was making sure to shadow travel her back to the underworld just before it hit.

Quickly heading out he walked into the parking lot and found his travel companion by their motorcycles, a pair of black 2006 victory Vegas eight balls, that Hephaestus had built for them when the it was first announced. "You ready to roll?" he asked his friend Damian Burnside, son of Thetis.

"Always am boss." he replied making his eye twitch in annoyance before he thought back to when he first met.


"Hey you mentioned that the fates made some changes like how I ran away when I was six and Paris being a Jackson instead of me." He mentioned to Chaos, Erebus, and Nyx while they were discussing what his training was going to be, "What else did they do?".

"Well it wasn't just them," Chaos said grinning "We made some changes of our own. One thing you need to know before we continue is that there is a second demigod camp, Camp Jupiter, which is for Roman demigods as the gods have two aspects they have two types of demigods.".

Percy let out a low whistle as he processed this information ad Erebus picked up "We have been finding some of the Roman demigods who we believe would be most likely to follow you in the conquest of Olympus and even pulled a few strings so that some demigods from Elysium and Asphodel were reborn with their old powers and memories. One of which is Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, who chose rebirth and we made sure her memories were kept as Lethe owed us a favor. Other examples were some of your friends Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Bianca Di Angelo, Zoe Nightshade, Lee Fletcher, Castor Bachum, and Michael Yew.".

"My friends who died in the war!" he exclaimed in shock before he grinned, he'd be damned if he let them die again.

"Exactly," Nyx said sitting next to him, "and along with the ones who's spirits we brought back, after informing them about what happened after their deaths of course, we gave some of you non-dead friends their memories from then too.".

"Which ones?" he asked curiously.

"The ones who met you outside your cabin just before you left in the last timeline." Erebus said, "We'll be visiting them and some of the others who we selected, such as Hazel, in their dreams to inform and train them. Nico and Bianca for example are going to remain the Lotus Hotel until the lightning bolt quest where you will let them out and they'll come back to camp with you but until then we will train them in their dreams with the help of Hypnos.".

"So what will the Roman demigods think of us Greeks." he asked them curiously.

"Well normally it causes wars but we have talked to them and got them to come around." Chaos said smugly, "Being the oldest being in existence has its advantages after all. Now we want you to have back up when you face the gods so we want you to have three Roman and three Greek commanders.".

"For Rome we have Jason Grace son of Jupiter and Thalia's long lost brother, Hazel Levesque who we mentioned earlier is a daughter of Pluto, and Aria Burnside daughter of Thetis' Roman aspect which has the same name as her Greek form." Erebus said ticking them off on his fingers. "Hazel is a very sweet girl who was manipulated by her mother in the 1920's (AN: I'm not sure if that date is accurate or not so if you know please inform me) but is quite powerful as she can sense the dead, can find and create underground tunnels and passages, and can find and bring up the riches of the earth. Aria is a demigod that is new to the timeline as Thetis is on our side so she had a demigod child for Greece and one for Rome to aide you, she has most of your old powers minus the earth shaker and storm powers. Jason has control over the winds and can shoot lightning.".

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