Chapter 8

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AN: Sorry about the delay everybody, I was preparing for finals week.

Chapter 8


Exiting the elevator on the top floor he prowled down the hall to the final penthouse apartment which he knew belonged to Nico and Bianca. Knocking on the door he waited and it was quickly opened by the eleven year old twins (AN: Yes I made them twins, deal with it) who grinned at seeing him. "Percy!" they yelled happily before pulling him into a hug.

Laughing he reciprocated and picked them both up, "Hey you two. How are my little siblings doin up here?".

"We're good Perce," Nico grinned, giving him a brotherly slap on the back "but does this mean we can finally leave this place?".

"Yep," he said smirking before opening his pack, "and I also have your weapons from the stash here as well.". This got the two children of Hades grinning like little kids at Christmas before he reached in and pulled out a bow that was made of stygian iron and had silver and gold filigree on it and handed it to a squealing Bianca. Chuckling he reached back in and pulled out a pair of chained weapons that were dark almost black grey that had hooks that curved back down from the head and reached to the top of the handles, the hooks glowed purple which veined down the weapons stopping just before the handle's leather grip and the metal hook was adorned with spikes before it curved down which he handed to a grinning Nico.

"Sweet." Nico said happily as he gripped the weapons and went into a stance to test their weight in the real world rather than his dream training.

"This is definitely cool." Bianca agreed as she hefted her bow.

"So how long are we going to stay in here to mess with the idiots you're stuck here with?" Nico asked curious as he allowed the chained weapons to be absorbed into his wrist and became chain tattoos much like his own.

"Well we should probably head out about now," he said shrugging "I used a bit of magic to speed up the time magic here and then freeze it to an extreme crawl so that we will leave at about the same time I did in the last time line.".

"Alright," Bianca shrugged "let's go check out the idiots and make sure they haven't broken anything.".

"That's probably a good idea." he said chuckling before heading out flanked by the two children of Hades. Once down on the ground floor he immediately sent out trying to find the three idiots he was stuck with and found them in the casino...with Paris trying to force security to allow him to gamble. Rolling his eyes he grabbed the idiotic son of Poseidon by the ear and dragged him off saying "Sorry about him." over his shoulder to the security guards who seemed relieved that Paris was gone.

"What the hell!?" Paris yelled trying to get me to let his ear go, "What was that for!?".

"We are leaving," he growled "now.".

"Oh," Paris snarled "and who put you in charge.".

Glaring at Paris he slapped him upside the head before snapping "This is the lair of the lotus eaters dumbass. Time moves differently in here and now it's June twentieth, we only have one more damn day to complete this stupid quest.".

"What!?" Annabeth freaked, "How are we going to finish this now!?".

"I have unlimited cash remember Owl Shit?" he asked looking at her annoyed "We'll just grab a taxi. First though give me the Lotus Cards.".

"Why?" Paris demanded clutching his card close.

Snarling he grabbed the cards from the three idiots and dropped them into his bag, "You three idiots aren't powerful enough to resist any type of manipulation magic. Owl Shit couldn't even resist faint traces of love magic.".

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