Chapter 4

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Chapter Four


"I'll go through the Olympians as well as Hades, Hestia, and Persephone one by one to show whether or not they are in line for death and what they need to improve on." he said as he smirked at the scared gods. "Let's start with the gods that are in line for death," he said cheerfully as his allies laughed openly, "First up we have Artemis.".

"Watch yourself boy." Artemis growled, using the word boy as a curse.

"And that is part of what I'm talking about." he said making everyone look at him confused. Snapping his fingers a stone tablet appeared floating above her throne with the words hypocrite, sexist, arrogant, mortal abuser, power abuser, sadistic.

"How dare you insult the Lady Artemis!" one of the Hunters yelled pointing her bow at him.

"I am simply stating the truth." he said shrugging, "She is a hypocrite because she is always saying that men are pigs for always saying women are weaker but she does the same thing in reverse about men hence why she is labeled as sexist. She is arrogant in that if any female insults her opinion she calls them a fool and if a male does it she threatens them. She abuses her powers and mortals frequently and in sadistic manner. There are several reports of when a hunter stumbles upon your and your hunters bathing and you turn him into a dear before feeding him alive to his own dogs. You don't put up protections but you still kill them.".

"Do my ex-wife next Percy." Hades called out smirking as Persephone and Demeter glared at the God of the Underworld while he and Damian smirked, remembering when Hades had ended his marriage.


Percy and Damian were hiding in the shadows of Hades courtroom when Persephone and Demeter flashed in. "What do you want Hades." Demeter snapped.

Rolling his eyes Hades said "I'm here to tell you that you can keep your daughter.", he tossed a bottle of liquid Persephone, "You drink that and our marriage is ended and you don't have to return to the Underworld.".

"How do I know that it won't just force her to stay her year round?" Demeter demanded paranoid.

"I swear on the River Styx the potion will do as I have said." Hades said irritated as Persephone ripped the top of the bottle and downed it. "Now get out, you are no longer welcome here.".

"Gladly." Demeter sniffed before she and Persephone vanished in a flash of light.

-End Flashback-

"Ah yes," he said smirking "Persephone your reasons are manipulation and trying to overthrow the balance of powers for your own ends." he said smirking as everyone stared at the goddess of spring. "We all know you attempt to manipulate Hades whenever possible and were intending to use of his keys to make a sword, a new weapon of power for the Underworld to give you more power by default before your marriage was ended.".

At this Persephone blushed as the other gods and goddesses looked at her upset. "Next is Demeter." he said cheerfully as he went to the next Olympian, thoroughly enjoying himself "Demeter you are cruel, petulant, and vindictive. You are willing to do anything to make others suffer if you aren't happy or you think it will get you what you want. The fact that we have winter is a perfect example as you tried to kill every living thing on earth just because you were sad.".

"Ares, you take too much pleasure in war. You are cruel, violent, and enjoy causing pain."

"Athena, you are arrogant, jealous, and deceitful. You think you are superior to others all because you are the goddess of wisdom and are willing to kill or curse anyone who you fear is smarter or more talented than you.".

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