Chapter 17

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AN: Sorry about the delay in updates so this marathon update is my way of making it up to you.

Chapter 17


Standing at the prow of the ship with Medusa wrapped around one of his arms and Circe around the other, he watched as the ship of Blackbeard, with the pirate and crew onboard, sailed into one of his father's portals and out of sight. Watching where the ship had once been he thought about what had happened after Circe had been affected by the curse.


"What the Hades was that?!" Paris demanded, sounding extremely scared and confused.

"That was the curse of Aphrodite shining through." he deadpanned as Circe, Paris, and Annabeth looked at him in confusion causing him to explain about the curse placed upon him.

Circe then gasped when she realized what his earlier words meant, "I was one of the women affected by the curse?" she asked in shock.

Nodding he went on "The pink aura was something added by my friend Selena so I would know who was affected by the curse.".

"So the emotions I feel for you are just...figments?!" Circe cried, her voice filled with anguish "None of it is actually real?!".

Before he could answer there was a brilliant flash of golden light and Selena appeared, in the form a fully grown woman, with a soft smile on her face, "Do not fear Circe," she said, pulling the sobbing woman into a hug "that is not how the curse works.".

"W-what do you mean?" Circe sobbed into the dress of the goddess of love.

"The curse will find any woman who could fall in love with Percy and instantly bring those emotions to full force before locking them in place. You could have eventually fallen in love with Percy without the curse, but now it is guaranteed.".

"R-really?" Circe asked softly, almost pleadingly.

"Yes Circe, I speak the truth." Selena said soothingly making the sorceress cry out in relief at the revelation. "Now go to your man." Selena said teasingly as Circe quickly rushed over and wrapped her arms around him while he looked nervously at Medusa.

Medusa rolled her eyes and walked over to them "Relax Percy," she laughed "I already told you I was okay with this.".

"Y-you're one of the others affected by the curse?" Circe asked hesitantly.

"No," Medusa shook her head "I was with Percy before the curse was placed upon him. But I still can't imagine loving anyone else besides him.".

Blushing he tried to look anywhere else which caused his eyes to land on the cage with the guinea pigs, "Circe," he asked, to make sure his future knowledge wasn't revealed "what's with the cage?".

When Circe heard his question she blushed embarrassed and looked down, "I used to turn men into pigs but nowadays I make them guinea pigs instead. I normally send them off to kindergarten classes but in there I keep Blackbeard and his pirates.".

Thinking for a moment about how he wanted to handle the situation he asked "Can you turn just Blackbeard human for now, I wish to ask him something.".

Circe looked confused but she nodded and, with a snap of her fingers, Blackbeard was out of the cage and in human form again. "Blackbeard," he called out, making the pirate spin around and face him "I have a proposition for you.".

"And what would that be?" the gruff pirate son of Ares asked.

"I would assume that you have a grudge against your father Ares for never coming to rescue, correct?" he asked and mentally grinned when a dark look of rage crossed the Pirate's face.

"Aye," Blackbeard growled "you'd be right about that.".

"Well I am going to war against the corrupt Olympians," he declared, offering his hand to the pirate "and I could use a able bodied demigod with his own crew to help begin my armada. I have already removed the stains of Ares and Aphrodite from this world.".

Blackbeard's eyes widened at his words before the pirate dropped down to one knee and bowed "I swear to follow you and your commands Lord Perseus," the pirate stated "I simply beg of you to release my crew to fight alongside me.".

"It shall be done." He agreed before turning to Circe who nodded and reversed the transformation on the other pirate crew members.

"Long Live Lord Perseus!" Blackbeard yelled loudly which was quickly echoed by the rest of the crew causing him to groan.

"Not again!" he moaned in despair at more people worshiping him.

-End Flashback-

Turning to Damian he declared "Pull the anchor and set sail Damian, we have a fleece to find.".

"You got it!" Damian yelled happily as he steered the ship away from Circe's Isle and the sorceresses who were waving happily from the shore.

"Alright," he said as he laid out a map of the sea of monsters on the table, "we're here," he pointed to a spot on the map "and the Fleece is here," he pointed to Polyphemus Island "the only real threat in our way is the Island of the Sirens.".

"The Island of the Sirens?!" Annabeth asked in shock "I have to listen to their song!".

"Are you really that stupid?" he asked giving her a hard look "Their song leads you to your death.".

"But it's supposed to help you learn more about yourself!" Annabeth protested "Become wiser!".

Groaning he pinched the bridge of his nose and stated "While we all know you need more wisdom this isn't the way to get it!".

"Just tie her to the mast so she can listen without us having to hear her whine about it!" Zoe snapped, annoyed at Annabeth's voice.

"Fine!" he grumbled before heading below deck to grab some rope and beeswax. After another hour of sailing the island came in sight, "Alright," he said after tying Annabeth to the mast "your job is to make sure she doesn't get loose." He told Paris who nodded glumly before everyone else put in their beeswax.

Watching out of the corner of his eye he saw Annabeth thrash and scream to be cut down before eventually realizing that she had her knife and cut herself loose before jumping overboard. It took Paris a couple of minutes to realize what happened before he jumped after her. Gesturing for Damian to halt the ship he watched and waited for the duo to return.

After another two hours Paris returned holding a dripping wet Annabeth while both were shaking and he gestured to Damian to resume sailing. Once they were past the Island he removed his beeswax and asked "So what did she see?".

"That's too personal a question..." Annabeth began before Circe cut her off and described the vision in vivid detail, with it being exactly the same as it had been the first time. "H-how could you..." Annabeth stammer in shock.

"You were projecting your thoughts so I used a light mind reading spell." Circe said with a shrug.

"Even after all he did you still have the sick crush on Luke." He said with a shake of his head, "That's just pathetic.". With that he turned and walked off, away from the sobbing Annabeth, and shaken Paris.

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