Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


If one to be on board of the Pirate Ship of Chrysaor they would be shocked to hear, not fearful screams, or enraged yells, but merry laughter. "So then," he managed to choke out through his laughter "I decided to screw with Zeus by killing the Minotaur with lightning as I knew the gods were watching so that the council thought I was that idiot's kid. According to my friends on the council she actually slapped the windbag for it!".

"Oh that had to have felt good." Chrysaor yelled happily before draining his mug of beer which was quickly refilled by one of the dolphin crew members. After Chrysaor and Medusa had spent some time catching up the golden sword had directed them to his small island, hidden by the mist, where they were resupplying before leaving the ancient lands. He had decided to spend an evening getting to know his newest ally while the girls turned in early.

"So Chrysaor," he said as he managed to get control of himself again "you have quite the reputation as a legendary swordsman among the divine circles. How well earned is that?".

"I've crossed blades with thousands of swordsmen," Chrysaor said with a snort "the last one to beat me was Achilles and that was millennia ago.".

"Well my brother in all but blood, Damian Burnside, happens to be a son of Thetis as well and, according to said goddess, he's a better fighter than Achilles ever was." He informed his ally cheerfully.

"Truly?" Chrysaor asked intrigued "Well at least I won't be bored in your army.".

"He earned the title, 'the sword of the sea' among the river gods," he informed his companion "and along with him I'm an accomplished swordsman myself. I would love to have the chance for the three of us to cross blades in a spar at some point.".

"Now that would be a sight to see," Chrysaor breathed reverently, the ancient warrior gleeful at the prospect of such a bout "the three greatest swordsmen in the world crossing blades for a bout of dominance. The Golden Sword, the Sword of the Sea, and the Sword of Chaos all in one arena at one time...".

At that statement he winced "I really wish you wouldn't use that title," he groused "I don't even know who started that. 'The Sword of Chaos', who on earth would call me that?".

"I think your dads got drunk a few months ago and spread it around to some minor immortals under their command who spread it further." Chrysaor said with a shrug causing him to groan.

"Memo to me, memo to me, maim them, after my meeting." He groused before turning to Chrysaor and made a subtle gesture for him to send away the Dolphin warrior he had in the room.

Chrysaor, after raising a questioning eyebrow, did so before asking "Now, why did you have me send out my warrior?".

"I was wondering if you'd be upset if I did something to scare the shit out of your warriors." He replied with a shrug as he took a gulp of his beer.

"By doing what?" Chrysaor asked with a cocky smirk "My warriors are fearless.".

"I was simply going to tell them that Dionysus is practically my Uncle and has adopted both myself and Damian as such," he shrugged nonchalantly "and I guess that won't be a problem if they're 'fearless'.".

Sighing Chrysaor slammed his forehead onto the table "Fearless of everything but the wine god...fine, they'll freak out anyway so we might as well get it over with.".

"Well Uncle D also agreed to reverse their transformation so they could become human again and give them partial immortality in exchange for them swearing an oath on the River Styx." He said calmly as he fiddled with a knife, idly noting Chrysaor's head shoot up in shock.

"He can reverse it?!" the golden sword asked in shock causing him to snort in amusement.

"He cast the damn enchantment," he said with a snort "and did it while drunk. If I could reverse a sober Athena's curse on your mother then a sober Dionysus with thousands of years of experience can reverse his own curse easily.".

"I guess that would make sense." Chrysaor admitted sheepishly before freezing as the golden sword lifted his hand to feel his golden mask "Percy...can...can you reverse any curse?".

"Most of them," he said cautiously "why?".

Sighing Chrysaor gripped his mug tightly "Shortly after I was born from my mother's decapitated body Athena found me. My brother Pegasus had already fled, flying off without me while I had nowhere to go and no idea where I would go in the first place. Athena had found out about my birth and went to where I was digging a grave for her body as back then the bodies of immortals and monsters would remain instead of turning to golden dust, that's a newer development from the last few centuries. She decided to curse me for 'daring to give a honorable burial to a foul beast that should have never been born'.".

"What did the curse entail?" he demanded, all trace of merriment gone from his visage as he leaned forward, trying to learn how best to help his new ally.

"It was my mother's curse in reverse," Chrysaor said sadly "while her curse made it so that anyone she gazed up would turn to stone...I would turn to stone if anyone saw my face.".

"Hence the mask," he said with an understanding nod "would that prevent you from reforming?".

"I would be trapped in the stone, able to see and hear everything around me, able to feel and smell as well," Chrysaor said with a shudder "trapped and only able to 'die' and reform after my statue had been crushed into rubble....I've gone through it only once and I never want to experience it again.".

Nodding he stood up and closed his eyes as he began the same chant he had used when reversing Medusa's curse as the glowing seals appeared before his palms while tendrils of their ethereal light snaked out and began wrapping themselves around Chrysaor who gasped as the wisps of light poured in through every orifice of his ally's body, filling the golden sword up with his power. With a final yell he ripped his hands to the side and the tendrils were pulled from Chrysaor's body, pulling a sickly looking black cloud with them that seemed to scream as it dissipated before he dropped to his knees, panting. "That..." he gasped "was a lot more powerful than your mother's curse. It's safe to remove the mask now Chrysaor.".

Hesitantly Chrysaor reached up and unhooked the leather straps holding the golden mask in place, letting it fall to the floor with a clang as Chrysaor hesitantly felt his own face, as if wary of some mark of the curse still showing, before he coughed, causing Chrysaor to instinctively turn as he looked his companion dead in the eye causing the golden sword to freeze before one simple fact set in. He was looking Chrysaor in the face and the son of Medusa hadn't been turned to stone.

With an exuberant yell Chrysaor ran forward and clasped arms with him, a joyful smile on his comrade's face "Thank you Percy," Chrysaor said earnestly "what you have given me is more than I could have ever imagined. You returned my mother to me and lifted her curse, you've given hope for my warriors who I have grown to care for over the millennia, and now you have lifted my curse. You are better to the people than the so called 'rulers' of Olympus ever have. Before I pledged to aid you in your war but now..." as Chrysaor trailed off the golden sword dropped down to one knee and bowed his head "I pledge my life and service to you. For as long as your line exists I and my warriors shall defend it with our last breath. Give the order and we would march into the depths of Tartarus to carry out your will. On the river Styx, I so swear.".

A loud rumble of thunder met this declaration as he pulled his friend to his feet "I thank you my friend," he said with a solemn nod "I'll do my best to see that your loyalty is not misplaced." Deciding to break the somber mood he grinned and said with a chuckle "Now, I think your mother should get the chance to see her son's face for the first time."..

Chrysaor quickly returned his grin and ran out of the small hut they were in, speeding off towards the larger house that they had let the girls use. Smiling softly he sat back down and finished his dinner, deciding that he had spent a great deal of time with Medusa but she had never truly gotten to know her son. They deserved all the time he could give them.


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