Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Walking through the camp with Medusa he waited for the screams of panic and, sure enough, he heard them moments later as he turned and saw the two Colchis Bulls attacking the border patrol. Shaking his head he used his shadow travel powers to bring Tyson over, "Hey little bro," he smirked "you haven't had a good fight in a while right?".

"Yeah." Tyson pouted making Medusa giggle on his arm.

"Well the bulls are right there." he gestured and Tyson grinned gleefully, "Just don't damage them too badly, I want to keep them.".

Tyson laughed and charged forward, shaking the earth with his powerful stride as he ran, and leapt clear over the Border Guard and tackled the first bull to the ground before putting it into a headlock and slamming its face into the dirt.

After a few times of getting its forehead slammed into the soil the bull became docile so as to not receive further punishment Tyson leapt over to the second bull, which had been rooted to the ground in shock having seen its companion get thoroughly beaten into the ground. The bull regained its senses though when Tyson picked it up into the air and threw it into a boulder although those senses quickly faded on impact leaving a very docile, and likely dizzy, Colchis Bull behind.

"Not bad little bro," he said as he walked up, making the Border Guard jump in shock as they hadn't known he was there "not bad at all.".

"What are you gonna do with them?" Tyson asked while brushing the dust and dirt off his clothes.

"Beckendorf!" he called out and Charles Beckendorf, minor god of automatons, appeared in a flash of light.

"What can I do for ya Perce?" the minor god asked grinning.

"I have two new toys for you to play with and tinker on." he said smirking as he gestured to the docile bulls.

"Thanks for not destroying them Tyson." Beckendorf nodded to the Cyclops before taking the bulls and flashing out.

"How can Beckendorf flash anywhere?" one of the Border Patrol, what appeared to be one of Beckendorf's half-brothers asked confused.

"Because he's a minor god now." he replied smirking, "He gained that status when his girlfriend became a full goddess.".

"Say what?!" an Ares camper yelled in shock.

"A long story involving a psychotic goddess, a decapitation, red glowing potion, and gondolas." he answered with a shrug and received looks that he was sure meant that the Border Patrol didn't know if they wanted to hear the story or run for the hills.

Turning slightly he noticed Paris and Annabeth standing stunned at the bottom of the hill having just seen Tyson's little exercise, "How in Hades is that even possible?!" Paris yelled once his brain, or what little he had, rebooted.

"First off Paris Hilton," Tyson began making Paris flush in anger and embarrassment at the hated name "don't use Hades name as a curse, he don't like it. Second, it is very possible when you're me or a few others.".

"The only demigod to ever be that strong was Hercules." Annabeth insisted shaking her head.

"Wrong," Tyson retorted gleefully "my bro for one is stronger than Hercules was. Also I'm not a half-blood. I'm one third god, one third primordial, and one third nymph.".

"How the Ha...hell does that work?" Paris asked confused.

"I was born a Cyclops..." at that Annabeth screamed in anger and fear and tried running at Tyson with a dagger only to slip on a patch of ice that he conjured while chuckling and landed on her face. Shaking his head Tyson continued "As I was saying," here he glared at Annabeth to keep quiet "I was born a Cyclops but Lord Chaos adopted me and gave me a portion of his power as if I had actually been his child. In the end it mixed with my Cyclops abilities and enhanced them as well as my physical appearance.".

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