Swagger Chapter Three part 3

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Swagger Chapter Three part 3


Where have you been? I looked up at Terrence and proceeded to move in the line. Tashell I'm speaking to you he grabbed my arm.

I looked down at his hand on my arm and he moved it why aren't you returning my calls?

"I've been busy"

"Too busy to return my call?" he questioned me I hissed my teeth It had been 3 days since the whole Chris ordeal and I didn't feel like telling Terrence about it. And besides I had Tremaine's persistent ass on my case I was so busy dodging him that I even slept at Carlos's loft he wouldn't give up.

"Look Terrence this is not a good time"

Tashell what is going on damnit I deserve to know you've been avoiding me I come by your apartment Benny tells me you haven't been there where have you been?" he questioned me.

"I can't sleep at my damn house alrii" I was getting annoyed quickly with him.

"Why" he asked sitting across from me.

"Look Terrence this is not a goo-

"Is this about me is it about me going pro?" he questioned me I rolled my eyes.

"No gosh this has nothing to do with you"

"So then what the hell is going on" I pushed my tray from before me I hadn't eaten a solid meal in days .

"Look its nothing okay I just haven't been feeling ill and I don't know what it is."

"You've been to the doctors?"

"No I don't think its serious"

"How do you know" he asked me

"I just know okay I'm fine Terrence"

"Okay" I knew he didn't believe me he kissed me on my fore head

"I got practice I'll come by later okay" I shook my head. He walked off with one of his team mates while I tried to eat but only ended up picking at the food. I needed to pull myself together damn it.

"You have five minutes" Don't ask me why I was sitting in front of Tremaine but I was. He was annoying the hell out of me. A smile came across his face and I don't even know why cause wasn't shit funny.

"Nice to see you"

I batted my eyelashes "Tick tock" I looked down at my watch.

"How have you been?" He asked me.

"Tick tock your 5 minutes is running. I know you didn't make me come all the way here for small talk."

Tremaine nodded his head and ordered a drink "Want anything"

I looked at him he ordered a bottle of wine. Shit he didn't seem to realize that I was still under age but whatever.

"This isn't exactly the easiest thing for me Tashell. So just relax"

"What do you want Trey"

"I came here to apologize to you "

I damn near choked on my spit at the statement "Apologize"

"Yes I want to apologize for all the things I've done, said and events that I have possibly caused."

I raised my eyes at him "Okay is it me or there is totally something wrong with you"

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" he asked me and I searched his face for some lie there was none.

"Why are you apologizing to me"

"Soul searching"

"Pardon me"

"I'm soul searching in all honesty I've matured. I've done a lot of thinking and that has lead me to realize some things. Now in order to move on with the present you have to move on from the past and well let's face it I wasn't exactly the most mature nigga out there. I feel like I owe you an apology so here I am apologizing"

I chuckled "Something funny?" he asked me.



"Tremaine come on are you expecting me to believe that your apology is genuine? That this I don't even know what you call it is the real you"

"Why can't it be?" I looked down at him.

"Because your Tremaine Neverson you don't believe in apologizing and your character and actions don't exactly credit this new identity you have supposedly taken on."

"Look I came here to apologize and I have"

"Okay" I grabbed my bag and got up.

"So that's it your leaving?" he asked me I looked at him.

"What you think that I would actually sit here and engross in conversation with you. You said what you had to say I listened. So now you can move on with your life and get the hell out of mine"

"Are you always this bitter?"

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Goodnight Tremaine"

"Tashell" I turned around.

"I really am sorry"

I hissed my teeth and walked off for some reason this whole ordeal was really throwing me off. I tried to shake it but I just had this funny feeling.

I sighed when Benny handed me the package more track stuff coming in well at least that's what I thought. After dragging the box up 4 flights of stairs because the damn elevator was being fixed I opened my apartment door.

I got a knife. When I opened the box up I realize that it wasn't track stuff but rather my shit. I look at the side of the package and saw that it was from Chris. I rumbled through the stuff I couldn't believe the bitch he sent all the things I ever bought him all the memoirs of us. I looked at the seashell charm he was really serious.

I got the cordless phone and dialled his number thinking it was him.

"Are you serious that's how much I mean to you? I cannot believe you Christopher"

"Don't call my fucking house any more bitch" Lina's voice rang from the other side I heard the line go click. I looked at the phone and dialled back the number.

"Listen Lina I ain't one of your little friends you hear me who the fuck you think you hanging up the phone on?"

"Can you just leave us alone Tashell my God he doesn't want you don't you see that. He's happy with me right here. Just get over it. Your friendship is over and possibly anything that could have taken place. We're trying to start a family and he doesn't need you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. So stop calling my damn house damn do I need to block your number for you to get the hint?"

As I listened to her ramble on and on about how she got him and their happiness I just hung up the damn phone I didn't need to hear her if that is how Chris felt the fine. I was done one less headache I would have to endure.

Swagger Chapter ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now