Dear old best friend 😢

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Dear old best friend, today I have officially lost you... I must say goodbye now... I must go on living life with out you as my best friend by my side. Today I must say goodbye to you.

Dear old best friend, I gave you a piece of my heart. I trusted you with my secrets. I loved you when I couldn't love myself. I helped you through your stuff when I couldn't help myself. I put you before me. I tried hard and fought for what we had. I wasted energy, tears and time on you.

Dear old best friend, I miss you but I gotta move on...

Dear old best friend, I was thinking of you today, I played all the memories we had together like a movie. I remembered everything. I was happy looking back until I hit the part in our little movie where everything went wrong.

Dear old best friend, I miss you.

Dear old best friend, I have to live life and stop living in the past. I must move on from this and live my life to the fullest. I must make the time I have left on this Earth worth it. I must say good bye to what we once had and move on to new things, new chapters, and new seasons in
My life.

Dear old best friend, I will always love you, you will forever have memories in my heart.

Dear old best friend goodbye....

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