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It was a warm evening, all the shopkeepers were closing up for the night, kids in the academy were walking home, teachers sat in their offices trying to finish up and the Hokage was still complaining about the large amount of work he still had to do.

During all this, two children could be seen walking by the riverfront, one had beautiful golden hair and bright blue eyes, the other had his hair tied up in a spiky ponytail and brownish-greyish eyes. The two were happily talking about shoji tactics and defence strategies, the boy had to leave the girl but promised they would walk to the academy together the next day.

The blonde walked passed her favourite ramen place, deciding that it was probably good to have a normal meal for the night. She was still trying to make her way home by the time the moon had reached to the sky, she was avoiding places that held or had many people in the area.

Unfortunately for her, that plan didn't work as well as she intended it to. In the end, she was still being chased.


"She's a monster!"


"I heard she got full marks on the test, she's getting stronger!"

"We must defeat her then!"

She heard these types of things over and over again as she ran away from her pursuers. She rounded a corner and ran into a dead-end. She turned, to see if there was a way through the villagers.

There was no way out.

She was stuck in a dead-end, and in front of her were children murders. She wanted to cry, to scream out for help but she gave them- the villagers- no such pleasure. A sad look stuck itself to her face, she just stared defiantly at the towns-people.

She let them take out all their anger on her, she was thrown around in the alleyway, bruises planted themselves on her skin. She was bleeding, she was aching. She was so tired of this, looking up she got to see one last thing before they left.

A fist, of a shinobi, chakra surrounding it. The shinobi hit her face with it, more specifically he hit her eyes. She passed out from the pain, she didn't see herself getting saved or the people who had hurt her being killed, in fact, she couldn't see anything anymore.

When she woke up, she could hear the beeping of a heart monitor, she immediately knew she was in a hospital. There was someone next to her, was the thing she had learned next, she could feel them as they breathed up and down.

Memories invaded her mind of the night before, knowing she was safe she finally let out her tears, crying for someone, anyone to save her.

"Naru? Are you okay?" she jumped at the sound of the voice, she moved her head to the person, she couldn't see them.

She was afraid.

Whoever it was could be there to hurt her.

"Naru! Calm down, it's just me Hiruzen..." the voice said, the person reach to her, grabbing her hand and placing it on his or hers face. She felt around, touching wrinkles and feeling the weird pattern of hair.

"Jiji!" she cried, tears now flowing steadily down her face, at least she hoped it was tears. Whatever it was, was oddly warm.

"Naru are you crying?" she heard the Third question her, she nodded her head, "Oh, Naru! You got to stop crying, okay? Instead of tears, blood comes out." she tried stopping but she couldn't they just kept coming out of her eyes it was as if they had free will.

"I can't," she told him.

His grip on her hand tightened, "It'll be okay Naru, I'll train you, so you can still be a ninja." she nodded slowly before asking why she couldn't see anything.

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