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With a smile Naru walked away from where team 7 had met up to where Shikamaru was standing, he had signaled her - using a tune he had taught her -over earlier when the team was talking. When she noticed he was there she asked to be excused and strolled over to him with her team watching her closely.

"Hey?" it came out as a question when she said it, she looked up at his face and stared into where she thought his eyes were. She sighed when he didn't say anything, she knew why he was there but the blonde couldn't understand why he was so worried.

"I'm fine." she stopped letting it sink in, he opened his mouth to speak before he got the chance she continued, "We'll both be fine, I told you it has a shield." he nodded as she spoke.

"I know. I just...I just wanted to make sure, you be careful okay? I know you're on par with the Hokage but you just need to be careful." he gripped her shoulders now, holding on tightly before pulling her into a hug.

Her grey-blue eyes widened in shock after a few seconds she wrapped her arms around him, they stood there like that for a minute before Naru pulled away and went back to her group with a wave.

She got confused looks from the group, she could tell they were like this because of their auras but she just ignored them and went back to where she was standing. Shikamaru lingered a bit before walking off to the Sarutobi Compound where he had now become a full resident.

"Okay... Now then let's get on with it." Kakashi-Sensei paused and reached to his side, in his hand were two bells, "See these bells, you are going to attack me to get them." he tied them back to his side as he spoke to them, "Come at me with the intent to kill."

"Sensei, before we begin, why are there only two bells?" a pink-haired female asked after her teacher had asked if there were any questions.

"Because only two of you will be passing." his eyes were closed, showing that he was smiling at them. In response to this, Sakura gasped, Sasuke's eyes widened slightly before going back to their originally brooding size, Naru stared off into space.

To her it didn't matter whether or not she stayed on the team, in fact, she would rather be off of the team. Naru knew the meaning of the test but made no move to get the others help once it started instead, she climbed up a tree and fell asleep on one of the branches.

Kakashi looked at her with a raised brow but shook it off to laziness. What he didn't know was that Naru had switched herself out with a clone a while ago, she had already grabbed the bells and replaced the real ones with a Genjutsu that had, so far, gone unnoticed.

Naru woke up when Sasuke decided to charge at their Sensei. She 'watched' as her teacher pulled out a book as the young Uchiha pulled out a kunai, the raven charged at the grey-haired man with a smirk on his face.

While reading Kakashi dodged Sasuke and dodged and dodged, until finally, Sasuke jumps back with hands in front of him. Naru listened as he went through signs for Ninjutsu they were taught at a young age.







Sasuke brought his hand up to his mouth and quickly said the name of the move before blowing, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" a ball of flame, that was hotter than most, flew from where his hand was. Kakashi's eyes widened slightly as he dodged the searing heat,

Sasuke looked around trying to find him.

'He's not around here on the ground, so then up?!'  he looked up but saw nothing but the bright blue sky.

"Nope down here!" at that moment the Jounin pulled the raven into the ground, leaving Sasuke nothing but a head. Naru could hear the Uchiha struggling but was confused as to what was going on, that didn't last long when she heard a scream. Naru figured Kakashi used a clone Jutsu and had gotten Sakura while the blonde was sleeping on the tree.

"Naru!" she heard, her face lit up at the sound of Shikamaru's voice. Team 7 paused at the sound of his voice, well what was left standing.

"Shika!" she rushed over to where she heard his voice and soon tackled the shadow user to the ground, Naru listened to his heart beat and breathing as she laid down on his chest. The Nara heir blushed before talking to Naru in whispers, Kakashi and Sasuke strained to hear what they were talking about.

An angry look plastered itself on Naru's face, she shoved Shikamaru away and went to a tree. All three men stared at her as she tapped the tree, to their shock the tree started to crack and eventually fell. The fallen tree was beaten up by Naru who looked as if she could kill a whole army of Kage-level Shinobi.

"Naru?" the two Sharingan users look over at the spiky haired male, who was slowly advancing to the angry blonde. "I don't think you should take it out on the trees."

The blonde's head whipped back so fast the men their thought she would get whiplash, "Keep talking and you're next." she walking to the next tree and punched it, making it fly several miles away.

"Being angry isn't going to help it." after he said that, the blue-eyed kunoichi froze and wrapped her arms around herself. She looked back at the shadow user with tears in her eyes, her usually smiling face long gone.

"I know...I know but..." she started sobbing now not sure how to finish the sentence, right now all she wanted to do was to go back home and cry herself to sleep.

Shikamaru had his arms open, ready to accept her if she wanted a hug. She shook him off with a sad smile as she walked away she heard him mutter under his breath, "It's okay because I love you."

Naru turned back to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek her way of saying, "I love you too."

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