Meeting Zabuza Pt. 2

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The rest of the team arrived at the island at a much slower pace than the blonde had, they still gave her suspicious looks but otherwise the trip was slightly uneventful.

That is until a rustle in the bush made Naru throw a kunai at it. Out popped a white rabbit that was shaking slightly due to becoming close to death, Naru got yelled at by her teammate but she ignored it and focused on the bush slightly to the left and much farther away from where they were standing.

She gave a small smile, Naru knew that there was someone there and she concluded by their stance they were about to be attacked anytime soon.

The blonde also sensed another life of a human sitting in the trees not too far away from where the first person was, she figure they were partners.

The first figure started to move, making the blue eyed female get into a defense position. She heard the sound of a blade being flown through the air and ducked down before her teacher called out "Duck!"

She heard a clang of shoes on metal and deduced their attacker landed on the sword. Her head moved up slightly, she was still acting as if she could see and wanted to hold that for as long as she could, and faked a fearful expression.

"Kakashi the CopyCat Ninja, a pleasure to meet you here on this fine day." the voice was ruff and blood thirsty, Naru knew if she had not gone through all that training she would've fainted by now.

"Zabuza Momochi. One of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist," Kakashi said as he pulled up his hitai ate and showed off his other eye.

Naru heard Sasuke and Sakura gasp at it, causing Naru to blink in confusion. She shook it off and focused on the task at hand, slowly she snuck away from the battle field and snuck up behind the enemy ninja.

Right now her goal was to wait and see what would happen, Kakashi was copying all of Zabuza's movements and this was making the latter very fearful.

That is until Kakashi decides to be stupid and land in the water after an attack, this allows Zabuza to capture him a water prison.

With a sigh, Naru got up from her crouched position and sent out her KI.

'What is this?' was the thought of both Jounin as they felt the force, the Genin were forced on one knee while Tazuna fainted.

Both men stared wide-eyed as Naru exited from were she had been hiding, except she was in no hurry. In fact, she was casually strolling towards Zabuza with a smile on her face.

Her jacket whipped in the wind, attacking her legs. While walking Naru removed a sword from one of her seals and took a swording stance.

"Hey man, we don't have to fight." she said as she neared them, Zabuza turned to Kakashi and gave him a look, the grey-haired man just shrugged in return.

"Well if I wanna get paid, and I do, then yes we do have to fight." this was his answer back to her. She nodded he head in an understanding way, she charged at him with the same speed she used to cross the water.

The ex-mist ninja didn't even have time to act shocked as he was kicked away from the water prison, Naru was on him straight after asking for a challenge.

Zabuza strained to get up, he was in a world of pain and suffering. The girl ha kicked him away like he was nothing and was now hurting his pride as a man and ninja.

"You know for someone who's bli--" he didn't even get to finish his sentence as Naru kicked him away again, her bangs covering her eyes.

"Look, I know about your buddy up there in the trees, I also know about you working for Gato who isn't going to pay you in the end. How about I let you two go if you don't speak of my problem," Naru had just given them the chance to live for another day, both Rouge-nins knew what could've happened if they didn't accept her offer.

So, in the end, the two disappeared and Naru want back to the group to find her Sensei and client both put cold and her teammates to shaking to help carry them.

So she made two clones to help her out, one for each man. They didn't know where to go so they followed Naru who seemed to be confident

Naru was just following her nose and it happened to lead her right where Tazuna's house was when asked about it, she just put a smile on and changed the subject.

Tsunami was there and as soon as she saw Naru she had a look on her face, later she dragged the girl to a room where they could talk alone.

"Yes?" the kunoichi asked, slightly terrified by the woman.

"How many weeks?" before Naru could ask a question Tsunami continued, "With your pregnancy?"

"How did you--"

"I was pregnant once too,"

Deeming it as a good enough answer Naru tried to think how far she was in the pregnancy, she honestly couldn't remember.

"Three-four weeks I believe," Tsunami nodded and started to plan the meals for the week based on what Naru had said.

"Nearly the one month mark, you'll get morning sickness soon. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you got it tomorrow," Tsunami said with a look in her eyes, she then started to ask Naru questions.

"How much do you eat? You're way too skinny! Do you get enough vitamins? Do you even know what vitamins you need? You should stop being a ninja for a while, but then again the exercise is good..." she trailed off and started to mutter under her breath while Naru just stared at her with wide eyes.

"Do you really need to do all the for a baby?" Tsunami ignored her question and started to draw up charts on what Naru would need.

"Naru why'd you--- What are you guys doing?" said blond turned and froze in shock when she saw...

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