Chapter two

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They had a smooth landing. Cinder had to admit that Thorne had noticeably improved at piloting the ship. Of course she would not let him know that. He didn't need that to boost his self confidence. 
For the last hour Iko had been squealing about seeing Emperor Kai and all the nice dresses they'd have in the Commonwealth. Jacin was helping Winter with a speech and Cress was doing some calculations about extra letumosis antidotes. All Cinder could do was loosen and tighten the screws in her cybernetic parts. Cinder was extremely relieved when they finally landed in the Commonwealth. She was still agitated and nervous about what would come after tonight but she had to keep acting like everything was fine. For Kai. He new this was going to go well. Cinder could only hope.


The ramp of the Rampion was lowered and Cinder watched as Winter and Jacin followed by Cress and Thorne exited the ship. Cinder held back. Maybe I can just hide here until they come and force me to come out. It wasn't that she didn't want to do it. She really wanted to actually. But her nerves didn't. Her Retina display was listing all the chemicals that were rising in her body and suggested that she, take deep breaths. Cinder blinked the text away and walked out the ship.
The white t-shirt she was wearing was flapping furiously in the wind irritating her. Walking fast she scanned the area until she saw him. Expecting him to be wearing formal clothes, she was surprised when she saw Kai dressed in jeans and his gray hoodie. Also, she was relieved. If he had being wearing anything formal she knew that his adviser Konn Torin would definitely be angry at her for being informal. But that wasn't the case.
Soon enough Kai saw her and their eyes met.  His eyes widened and he took a few steps forward.
Cinder ran the next few steps that separated the two. They got together in a quick embrace and stood in silence afterwards.
"Are you ready?" Kai questioned. He sounded slightly concerned.
"I think so," Cinder's confidence was rising now.
"Well, we've waited two years," Kai smiled and then whispered something into Cinder's ear. His words were enough to lift her face.


The palace was a maze of long hallways. She had not figured out how to find her way around yet. That fact didn't help when she had to use the bathroom.  It also didn't help that a mass of maids was rampaging the palace to prepare for the annual Peace Ball. Everyone seemed to be all over the place. Except for Cinder. Of course. Iko had already picked a dress for her months ago and all Cinder had to was put it on. She wandered if it would be okay to have grease stains on her dress as a momento to the first time she came to one of these balls.
Cinder sat on the large bed and played with the hem of her silver dress. It reminded her all too much of Peony's dress all those years ago. It was a painful memory. A few minutes later a maid appeared holding a small velvet box.
"Your majesty." The maid said curtsying, "his highness sent these for you."
Cinder stood up and gently took the box,"thank you." And with that the maid hurried away shutting the mahogany door behind her. Gingerly she lifted the lid of it, theorizing what may be inside. On top of the velvety fabric laid were two gorgeous silk gloves. She was not offended by the gloves as the glove meant for her left hand made sure to showcase her metal hand. The glove for the right hand covered her fingers normally but somehow it was okay looking that she was wearing gloves that didn't match. The gloves were plain but for the the Lunar symbols sowed across the fingers in golden thread. Cinder slowly pulled the gloves onto her hands and they reached up to a little higher than her elbows.
She was already becoming uncomfortable in the dress she was wearing. Although she was thankful that it was long enough to hide the fact that she was wearing combat boots. She stood up once again and turned to the full length mirror in the corner of the room. She took in her reflection and looked at her metal arm- now half covered in soft fabric. She looked down at her hand now and turned it around. Skin now emerged from her arm and over her cybernetics, transforming her arm fully into skin and flesh. She looked away, disgusted at what she had done. Looking back she once again saw her beloved cyborg hand.
Another knock at her door. This time no one scurried inside instead she stood and opened the door, just the way she liked to. Like a normal person, not a queen. Standing in front of her door were the Kesley's. Scarlet was wearing a short red dress and her unkept hair was now tied up in a rather large bun on top her head. Beside her was Wolf wearing a tuxedo, in his large hands holding little baby Maha Kesley. As Maha twisted and turned in Wolf's arms Scarlet sputtering words of encouragement at Cinder.
"Really I'll be fine," Cinder told Scarlet.
Wolf glanced down at her his face an obvious expression for seriously? She knew she probably didn't look fine. Sweat was I fact beading down the back of her neck but she managed to ignore it. "Look we got to go down to the hall now. We know you're nervous but hey," Scarlet playfully punched Cinder in the arm, "you've ruled the moon for four years and no one has tried to kill you."
"You sound like Thorne," Wolf rolled his eyes.
Scarlet shrugged. "Oh well. Everything will be great. You just wait and see."
With that the three walked out leaving Cinder in isolation once again.
Walk, wave, relax. Walk, wave, relax. Cinder repeated the words in her head. I can do this. She told herself. Kai has faith in me, my friends have faith in me.
Her time for thinking was abruptly ruined as she head her name being announced to come to the hall.
Empress Selene of Luna, please make your way to the grand ballroom.

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