Do I Stay, Do I Dare?

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As fast as I can I hurry to my apartment, or what I thought was my apartment. When I get there I gather all of my essentials, my charger for my phone which appears to still be working, my iPad and my laptop. I also grab all of make up and hair stuff as well as a range of my favourite outfits and throw them into a suitcase.

While everything that was in that apartment was mine, it all felt alien now, like it was out of place and wrong. I didn't feel comfortable being there. I can't say I was comfortable at Graceland yet either but... Who knows. Maybe one day.

I didn't ask Joe for a lift as I didn't know how to explain the apartment and I knew he'd tell Elvis. So I lug my suitcase back to Graceland on foot by myself which wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't so damn hot.

I like humidity. I don't like heat.

I never came to Memphis for more than a week because of this exact reason. Now I'm going to be here for a lot longer so I better get used to it.

I near Graceland again with my things and this time Jim opens the gate immediately for me to slip in as quickly as I can.

"So you're back then ma'am?" He questions once the gate is firmly shut behind me which again creates a chorus of disappointed groans from the still healthy crowd of girls.

"Call me Dawn. Yeah apparently. Your boss is very generous, he wouldn't really take no for an answer." I tell him and he smiles.

"Well it'll be nice to see you round here Dawn, always welcome a fresh face." He continues to smile at me as I head up the long drive to the vast house again.

I feel like I'm being too overly familiar by letting myself in so I just kind of stand with my suitcase awkwardly on the doorstep shuffling from foot to foot.

Stop being such a baby. You apparently live here now, remember?

I quickly sneak a look at my phone which was reading 2.48pm.

How had I been gone for so long? Time is escaping me.

Hmmmm, what if I knock? That will feel less rude right?

I knock softly and wait.

How long do I wait for? Should I just leave? Pretend like this never happened and try to find a new life here on my own? I didn't really want Elvis' charity anyway, I was and still am an independent woman.

I started to pick up my suitcase and turn around when the door flew open.

"Dawn, you're not leaving are you? Why didn't you let yourself in?" It was Elvis stood in black pants and a blue shirt. Fresh as a daisy.

"Erm, well I didn't want to be rude." I confess.

"Don't be silly." He smiles warmly at me as he grabs my bag with apparent ease that I did not have. "Follow me, I'll show you your room." He starts up the stairs and I follow him to the foot of them yet I can't will my feet to move up them.

This was Elvis' private place that no one had been able to go up to. Could I do it? I mean really? I want to but, it means a lot. He may not know it now... But it will.

He reaches the first landing and turns and looks down at me.

"Aren't ya comin'?" He questions. "You're so skittish, like you're always on edge." He adds cocking his head to the side.

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