It's Not Easy

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I can't sleep and I don't want to take anything. I'm just pacing up and down in the living room.

After our conversation Dawn ran off. I don't know if I've scared her away or not. I'm terrified she's going to leave. I don't want her to.

Not before I've given this a chance.

Eventually, I head back upstairs and hesitate outside her room. I think better of going in. I don't want to fuel the fire right now. I turn and go to my room instead to find Cilla sitting cross legged in her night dress on the bed.

"Cilla what are you doing up?" I ask her.

"We still need to talk." She replies softly.

"We did our talkin'." I rub my hands over my face in frustration.

Why are things never simple?

"I don't get it Elvis. I really don't." She starts to get mad.

"Look Cilla, I don't want to hurt you. I done that before. This time I'm tryin' to be honest with ya. I love you, but you're a little girl. Don't ya see that?"

"How can I be when I'm having your baby?"

"I know honey but, I shouldn't have done that. We should have waited. Look, Cilla if you love me, you'll do this for me?" I try to implore to her loving side.

She pauses for a long moment and I start to sweat not knowing what her response is gonna be.

"Alright, okay Elvis," She says sounding defeated. "I just want you to be happy and this little thing," she adds wrapping her arms around her stomach "will make me happy."

I soften then, make my way over to her and wrap my arms around her shoulder.

"You'll always be my little girl Cilla. I'm gonna be here for you always." I kiss the top of her head before leaving to sleep in the spare room that Dawn wasn't in, leaving Cilla to stay in my room.


I hear a soft knock at the door not long after I hop into bed. I knew it would be Elvis. I sigh heavily and make my way over to the door, opening it slightly.

"Elvis," I whisper, "what do you want?"

"Can I come in?" He asks.

I sigh again and tut before opening the door to him and walking to sit cross legged on the bed.

He closes the door behind him and joins me on the bed but kept his distance more than he normally would. A wise decisions considering the conversation we had earlier. I don't say anything and wait for him to talk. It was him that came to me after all.

Spit it out.

I begin to lose my patience and sigh once more to let him know he was annoying me.

"Well, erm, I just wanted to talk, about earlier." He rubs the back of his neck as he speaks, he's so nervous.

"Elvis, I still don't know what to say to you! This is all a bit much and weird, don't you think?" I notice my accent goes from neutral British to suddenly very posh as I'm talking to him. It's as if I'm putting my phone voice on to tell him off.

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