One For The Road

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I eye her as she prances around Graceland as graceful and as small as a ballet dancer.

I clench and unclench my jaw as I watch her fawn over Elvis from the other side of the room when she finally settles from flitting about the place.

It's gone past 3am and we're all sitting in Elvis' large living room, granted the MM is so big that some of them are standing. Apparently we're celebrating tonight but my face is as hard as stone. I don't think I've cracked a smile all night. I keep looking around the room, everywhere but Elvis which is what I had been doing all night since him and Priscilla made their big announcement.

"We're getting married!"

The words echo over and over in my head and every time they do I have the same reaction. This gut wrenching jealousy that makes me want to curl over. I knew logically this was the way things were meant to be. Priscilla and Elvis are meant to be married and they're meant to have a beautiful little girl. But in my heart, I'd started to believe what Elvis had told me, that we were meant to be in each other's lives. My wish worked for a reason. Now all I'm seeing is that it's a good dose of "be careful what you wish for" and "reap what you sow."

It has been a week since Elvis and Priscilla went and had their scan and Elvis had barely spoken to me. He had just been off brooding or with his MM. So much so I started to plan my exit. This was just all the more reason to go.

I mutter and apology about having a headache and needing some fresh air to the nearest MM, Charlie, before heading out the back and sitting at the table and chairs Elvis and I had effectively made our own.

He owns them anyway.

I roll my eyes at my own stupid thoughts as I light a cigarette.

"Ah fresh air." I say to myself on the exhale of my first drag.

"Don't think that's too fresh." Elvis says behind me making me jump and spin my head around.

"My kind of fresh." I tell him deadpan before turning back to the garden.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing." I'm aware of my manner and how he would definitely know there was something but I'm too tired to even try.

"That's a lie." Elvis says taking his seat next to me and lighting his own cigar.

I just shrug in response.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"What?" I say turning and looking at him.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much this week. Had a lot on my mind." He flicks his head backwards slightly as if to indicate the situation inside the house.

"It's fine, it's your life." I shrug again.

"Naw, Dawn. I like havin' ya here and I've just been selfish this week. I'm sorry."

"I don't think I will be for much longer." I comment.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He frowns in my direction.

"Well I should be going now you're getting married and having the baby. Probably best I go really. Bit crowded." I take a drag of my cigarette to try to seem nonchalant when really I hate every word I was saying.

"Don't be ridiculous! Everyone is stayin'! The guys are always going to be around, you're one of them now." He tries to reason with me.

Hurt and anger run through me.

One of the guys.

"Oh good. One of the guys." I say standing and walking off the porch out into the darkness.

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