Chapter Two: Dreaded Day as Always

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~Kirk above~

-Trigger warning abuse ahead-

When the day comes to an end Kaitlyn walks out of the school doors, she turns the corner near the parking lot and gets pushed into the side of the building by a sneering Kirk. She grunts, but shows no pain on her face.

"I told you," is all he says before he punching her in the side. She tries to move forward to ignore him, but Kirk pushes her back into the building harder making her head hit the concrete wall. He chuckles lowly before slapping her in the face. She turns her cheek showing no emotion, not even pain. Kirk grunts in anger before grabbing her by the hair and wrapping the other around her throat. She just stares at him blankly. He sneers before tightening his grip in both hands, cutting off her oxygen.

A voice echoes inside her head, 'Live, do not allow him to do this. You are strong'.

Kaitlyn suddenly gets this burning emotion through her body, she glares at Kirk and spits in his face.

Kirk contorts his face in disgust wiping his face off and smirks," Oh, am I finally getting a reaction?"

Kirk aims another punch to her side but, she moves out of the way. Kirk growls in frustration when his punch lands in the concrete and continues aiming more punches only to miss every time.

"Just because I'm a weaker link and you have it in your head that I spread those rumors about you being gay and not want anyone to know that you are actually gay, doesn't mean you have to hit and bully me, Kirk!" Kaitlyn shouts blindly punching the air, hitting Kirk in the face. Kirk holds his now bleeding nose.

People still standing around in the school parking lot gasp. A woman walks up and glares at them both.

'Did she finally hit back?'

'Wait, Kirk's gay?'

'Kirk deserved it anyway.'

The woman clicks her tongue to her teeth in irritation, "Not on school property, Kirk. How many times do I have to tell you?"

Kaitlyn side eyes the woman, noticing that it was one of the teachers, she then turns to Kirk.

"I was pissed, Mrs. Marnicus." Kirk says not looking at the woman, still holding his nose which is now bleeding profusely.

Kaitlyn makes a noise of irritation, "You're both pathetic, I'm sorry your son is a closeted gay and you couldn't raise him right, no wonder your husband left." She walks away shaking her head, Mrs. Marnicus looking at her in shock and anger.

No one knew that Kirk was her son, let alone that her husband left her, but rumors went around and Kaitlyn always knew what nobody else did because no one ever realized she was around. 'Oops, now everyone knows,' Kaitlyn thought shrugging going back to being numb.

Kaitlyn walks to the bus loading area only to see that the buses had already left. She closes her eyes tightly, and grits her teeth before turning and walking down the sidewalk in the direction of her apartment.

When Kaitlyn's apartment building appears, she sighs inwardly in relief. It wasn't too dark outside, but it was getting there. She cuts through the parking lot and passes her car, which her neighbor is still working on. Kaitlyn's eyebrows crinkle in confusion.

"Kaitlyn-" Kaitlyn stops, but then ignores him and continues walking to her apartment. She hears the crunching of gravel as he slides from underneath her car.

She walks into the building and sees stairs to the left and an elevator a little ways to the right of the reception counter. She chooses the stairs since she has a slight fear of the elevator. The elevator looked to be about 10 centuries old and had a faded 'Out of Order' hanging next to it. She walks down the hall. She eyes the door numbers, '56, 57, 58' and walks up to door '59' and pulls her keys out of her bag, unlocks her door and walks in, she slams the door closed before collapsing on the floor sobbing, pulling her knees to her chest, putting her head against the door looking up. She winces at the pain radiating in her neck and curses knowing it'll be bruised.

'It's all okay,' A voices echos in her mind for the second time that day. Kaitlyn just ignores the voice pushing it to the side.

There's a knock on the door, "Kaitlyn are you okay?"

"No, I am most certainly not okay, j-just leave me alone," Kaitlyn sobs into her knees.

She hears a sigh from the other side of the door. She listens closely until she hears footsteps receding. Kaitlyn sniffles standing up and walking to her bedroom. She walks into her bathroom, and turns the shower on stepping in with her clothes still on before sliding down the side and sobbing more.

'You tried staying strong for too long', the voice says again. The question echoing in her mind was, 'Am I insane?'

Kaitlyn calms down after what felt like hours before standing up and stepping out of the shower. She peels off her wet clothes and adjusts the water to a normal temperature and steps in cleaning the sweat and tears from the day away.  She steps out and hears a knock on the door, she wraps a towel around her and goes to answer the door.

She pulls the door open to see one of her neighbors, Sheila. Sheila was one of the older women in the building. She was very... interesting. She never had visitors from what Kaitlyn could remember and she'd show up in random places saying the weirdest things.

"Are you okay? I thought you had drowned or something," Sheila asks looking at Kaitlyn curiously.

"I'm fine, I didn't drown but, my water bill is going to be pretty high... Why were you listening to my shower?" Kaitlyn asks narrowing her eyes a bit.

Sheila nods, "Thin walls. Anyways, you take care of yourself, wouldn't want to die an early death."

Sheila turns to walk away and Kaitlyn looks at Sheila suspiciously.

"Oh, Kaitlyn honey, you know what I mean, don't go out too late tonight we wouldn't want to find another body would we?" Sheila says before turning and walking down the hallway whistling.

Kaitlyn, now super confused, stands in her doorway looking in the direction Sheila went, a hand waving in her face brings her back into the present.

"Kaitlyn why are you standing with your door open in only a towel?" Axel, the neighbor that was fixing her car asks.

"Uh... ," Kaitlyn quickly closes her door and thinks, 'I am definitely going insane.'

'You aren't going insane,' says the voice in her head.

Suddenly, Kaitlyn's vison blurs and her head spins before she collapses, falling to the floor and passing out.

~I never realized how short this chapter was... I am definitely editing it.~

(Holy shit, this was the shortest of short chapters... my past self must have been dead but it's fixed. Edited entirely unless I spot more mistakes(07/16/2022))

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