Chapter Four: Clumsy as hell

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~Axel above~

After work, Kaitlyn walks into her apartment and flops onto her bed looking at the ceiling. Kaitlyn closes her eyes and is about to fall asleep when there's a light knock on her door. She peeks one eye open briefly before closing it. The knocking continues, she sighs and throws herself off her bed, a little too hard making her fall onto the floor.

"Fucking-" She curses before shes interrupted by more knocking.

"Jesus, I'm coming." She shouts.

She lifts herself up before making her way to her door and swinging it open almost hitting herself in the face.

"Hello, lovely." Said the voice on the other side. The voice belonged to her weirdo neighbor.

"What do you want you crazy old bat." Kaitlyn asks with tired eyes.

Sheila's eye twitches a little," Excuse me?"

Kaitlyn wipes her hand down her face," Sorry long day."

Sheila 'hmphs' before asking, "Have you seen my dog?"

"No, I have not seen your rat of a dog," Kaitlyn mutters closing the door.

"He is not a rat! He is a pure breed Affenpinscher." She screeches.

"That's a mutt." Kaitlyn mutters before closing the door in her face.

She walks to the living room and slumps onto the couch. She picks up a magazine off the coffee table and glances through it for a little but before putting it back. She turns and lays down before going to sleep. She doesn't sleep long before waking up. Kaitlyn groans before getting up slowly and walking to her bedroom and flopping onto her bed face first and going back to sleep.

Later that night, there's a sudden loud bang on her front door. Kaitlyn sits up slowly at first with a confused look on her face, but there's another bang and she quickly jumps off her bed whipping her neck towards the door of her bedroom, almost giving herself whiplash. She face plants on the floor, she cringes. The bang comes again, only louder than the last time. She looks between her door and the closet door, before gracefully sliding towards her closet and pulling out a bat with spikes on the end. She crawls towards her bedroom door and turns the knob, while in a crouched position. She slowly opens the door and it creaks, she cringes again, she continues to slowly open the door and it only creaks louder, she curses inwardly before pulling the door open quickly. She rolls into her living room only to hit the wall and knocking over a vase on one of the end tables. There's a booming laugh outside her door, she closes her eyes in irritation. The front door is suddenly blown open and stomping comes in her general direction. Kaitlyn raises her bat and quickly jumps over the couch only to hit the floor with a loud bang. There's more laughter from the intruder.

"I smell you human," a man's voice says still shaking from laughter.

"Are you sure you didn't fucking hear me?" Kaitlyn asks incredulously.

Kaitlyn clenches her eyes closed trying to hold in laughter, and freezes when she sees the front of the man's shoe round the corner of the couch and holds her breath.

"Just because you hold your breath doesn't mean I can't hear your heart," the man's voice says.

"Um...What happened to your door Kaitlyn?" Axel's voice echoes. Kaitlyn cringes. Shit, she thought.

Kaitlyn steps out from behind the couch to see a very attractive man, she holds up her finger up in a 'hold on' gesture and walks around the corner into her kitchen to where Axel was standing.

The man gets a perplexed look on his face and just stands there.

"Um... I don't know, I was just asleep," Kaitlyn says.

"Then why do you have a bat and why did I hear what sounded like a herd of elephants in your apartment?" Axel asks cocking his head and raising his eyebrow.

Kaitlyn's eye twitches a bit, but she composes herself before opening her mouth to explain.

"I am a very clumsy lady." She grins slightly gritting her teeth.

Axel chuckles under his breath before getting a dark looks on his face.

"Ok there's this-" Kaitlyn is interrupted by a hand going over her mouth and her being pulled back into a chest.

"Sweetheart it's not nice to tell your guests to wait, and it's pretty rude to just interrupt them and walk away," The man says close to her ear.

Axel composes himself before glaring at the man,"Who the hell are you?"

The man smirks,"I could ask you the same."

Kaitlyn sighs and rolls her eyes.

"You can't even say that you broke her door down and grabbed her from behind," Axel yells.

The man's smirk widens.

"Axel he feeds off of anger," Kaitlyn says.

"Feeds?" Axel asks squinting his eyes.

"They are different they feed off of or absorb strong emotions," Kaitlyn says sighing.

"They? Who are they, Kaitlyn?" Axel asks.

"I'm right here and I'm not going-" The man is interrupted by Kaitlyn's elbow going into his chin, and her pushing out of his grip swinging the bat and coming in contact with his shin.

"Oh, you little bitch," The man sneers, his teeth going from regular human teeth to sharp ones.

"They meaning Wyrm shifters, Axel." Kaitlyn says grabbing his hand and running out the still broken door almost tripping in the process.

"I thought that was the Dragon shifters," Axel says breathlessly.

Kaitlyn looks back at him briefly shocked that he even knew they existed.

"Nope, the dragon shifters are the good guys, what I don't understand is why a wyrm is in dragon territory," Kaitlyn says recovering.

"What do you mean?" Axel cocks his head to the side.

Kaitlyn sighs rolling her eyes, "Look I'll explain more later, right now we need to run."

A loud roar and heavy stomps turning into scratches across her hardwood floor follow after the both of them.

~Well this one isn't as long but, it's edited. (4/13/2021)~

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