Chapter Thirteen

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Thanks for sticking with this story, I enjoy the comments and the votes, makes me feel like I'm actually a good writer. Love ya'll~

Kaitlyn glares at the door.

Merlon walks away towards the front of the castle. He passes Lyonal on the way out, Lyonal was talking to a woman, his mate.

"You need to go somewhere safe, Safina," Lyonal says seriously. Safina nods before scurrying in the direction where Merlon put Kaitlyn.

"Boy am I glad I got a mate that listens," Lyonal says  chuckling looking toward Merlon.

"Lyonal we need to go," Merlon says grabbing Lyonals arm.

"I know Jeez, don't tug my arm off," Lyonal says jerking his arm out of Merlon's grip.

Merlon and Lyonal run towards the entrance to the castle, Merlon waves half the warriors out, and the rest to go through the back.

"We don't need them to think they caught us off guard," Merlon says.

Lyonal nods, They look at each other before they go out the entrance, Axolot standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"Ah, but I already know I caught you off guard," Axolot says in amusement.

Merlon glares at him, Lyonal on his left gets into a fighting stance ready to defend his king at any given moment.

Axolot narrows his eyes," Enough talk let's get to it."

Merlon shifts his feet, Axolot shifts into his wyrm form diving towards Lyonal. He expected this and shifts into his dragon pushing him back.

Merlon shuffles behind Axolot, he shifts and attacks from the back to catch him off guard, but something attacks Merlon tackling him to the floor. He looks over to see a scarred and battered Wyrm. Merlon narrows his eyes, He roars before charging grabbing one of the Wyrms wing pulling on it, the Wyrm yelps and bites into Merlons shoulder. Meanwhile Lyonal is using most of his strength to keep Axolot back, Lyonal notices Merlon getting attacked and loses focus long enough for Axolot to push Lyonal over biting him in the throat. Suddenly, the wall breaks and stones litter the plain, and an angry looking Kaitlyn steps out.

"You locked me in the room, and almost get your ass kicked..." Kaitlyn mutters shaking her head, her eyes glowing blue.

The dragon attacking Merlon is suddenly ripped off of him, Kaitlyn smashes its head in repeatedly with the mace she had, before kicking it about a yard away. Merlon turns his attention to Axolot to see him biting into Lyonal. Suddenly an object hits Axolot in the eye.

"Leave my son alone you tiny Lizard," a familiar voice shouts.

Kaitlyn snickers a bit before sobering up, Merlon tackles Axolot to the ground biting at his neck and shoulder. Axolot flails trying to get the upper hand but, to no avail. Merlon bites into his neck and starts pulling chunks of his throat and spitting them out. Axolot eventually stops flailing and everything goes still for a bit. Merlon backs off before shifting back.

Kaitlyn walks up to him," Told you to let me help".

Merlons rolls his eyes before walking over to her and pulling her in for a hug. He kisses the top of her head making her freeze for a brief second before she melts into his arms.

All of the names I made up in the book are underlined in red, and I feel like it's wrong but, I made them so it's not. (Edited 9/16/18)~

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