Chapter Six: And You Are?

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~EDITED As of (12/09/2022) As an adult now I'm either busy or forgetful- probably both. I'll be updating music and photos as soon as I finish rough editing the storyline~

The dragon huffs and stomps one foot before attacking the wyrm, abandoned building after abandoned building get smashed into by the two fighting. The dragon gets the upper hand and closes its claws around the wyrms neck slicing the head off, effectively decapitating it. The dragon looks at Kaitlyn and nods, before flying away.

"Well, do you think we have time for the rest of that story?" Axel asks turning toward Kaitlyn.

"I guess we will see," Kaitlyn chuckles looking around at all the rubble where the fight had been.

Kaitlyn puts the bat on one of her shoulders before grabbing Axels hand and dragging him back to her house.

When they arrive it's surprising it wasn't hit by any of the debris considering how small the town was but, too busy in their thoughts they didn't question it. Kaitlyn and Axel make it to her floor and she cringes seeing the door is still broken from the past events that had occurred in her apartment, she was shocked no one had contacted the landlord and complained about all the noise that was made.

When they entered the doorway, a man was sitting on her couch. He was broad shouldered and had longer hair on top and it was shorter around to each ear. He was dressed in a dark blue suit and had his legs crossed with his hands folded on his lap. Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow at the fact he was wearing a suit.

"Hello there, I seem to be lost. Do you know where Kaitlyn is?" the man asks gruffly.

Kaitlyn's eyebrow raises a bit higher if that was even possible. Axel gets an excited look on his face," Again?"

"What? No," Kaitlyn says scrunching her eyebrows, looking incredulous.

Kaitlyn looks at the man,"You aren't lost, I am Kaitlyn. Also, I know my door may be on the floor but, that doesn't mean you can just make yourself at home."

The man nods curtly before looking at the floor and standing up and slowly walking to where the door was on the ground. He picks it up and puts it back in place. He then turns to her and gives her a pointed look as if to ask 'Are you happy now?'.

"Now let's get to the point, you know me as that little voice in your mind." the man says tapping his temple lightly.

"Wait wait wait, you're going to come into her house uninvited and introduce yourself like that?!" Axel asks perplexed.

The mysterious man shrugs.

"Hm.. I don't recall any voice, I feel like that would mean I'm mentally insane and I've only just gotten feelings... today." Kaitlyn says faking a confused look and looking at an imaginary watch.

The man narrows his eyes,"Don't lie to me, I can read right through you."

"I am not a window, I'd say I'm more of a door. An unmoveable force-" Kaitlyn rambles before getting interrupted.

A knock on the slightly unstable door interrupts them.

"Hold that thought," Kaitlyn says booping his nose before walking over and pulling the door open to Kirk.

Kaitlyn gets a bored look on her face," And what do you want?"

"Kaitlyn, I wanted to apologize but, that wasn't the only reason I hit you all those times," Kirk says.

The man growls low in his throat. Axel makes a disgusted sound in the back of his throat while looking over the mans shoulder.

Kirk pushes against the door making it fall towards Kaitlyn but, she moves making it hit the ground with a loud thump. He steps into the room and sees Axel and the strange man.

"What's going on?"Kirk asks.

"Oh, both of these men are confessing their love for me," Kaitlyn says sarcastically.

Kirk narrows his eyes," Anyway I hit you because I was frustrated, frustrated that you wouldn't talk to me or pay attention to me."

"So what I'm hearing is, you beat her because you're a gay attention whore?" Axel asks.

The man chuckles low in his throat but swallows it and tries to make a straight face only half succeeding when Kaitlyn gives him a dirty look.

Kirk gives her an incredulous look, "You told your fucking neighbor?!"

"Kirk, I don't have time to deal with this so if you don't mind, Leave." Kaitlyn sighs with her fingers on her temples and motions towards the doorway.

"There's the doorway," Axel mumbles under his breath,

Kirk huffs angrily before stepping over the door, "Fine , but I'm not finished with this conversation."

After Kirk stomps off, Kaitlyn clears her throat and looks at the man pointedly.

"So who are you and what do you want?" Kaitlyn asks pointing at the man.

"I'm Merlon, and I'm here to claim what is mine," The man says calmly.

Kaitlyn raises an eyebrow," Claim?"

"There has been a lot of eyebrow raising and I don't like it.." Axel says mockingly.

The man shakes his head at Axel and only nods at Kaitlyn. Axel looks between the two looking confused but, something else was beneath it in the gaze but, it disappears before either of them could see it.

"I don't think so," Kaitlyn says in a snarky tone.

Merlon steps forward going to grab her arm but, she shoves it away baring her teeth. He only raises his eyebrow to the action and Axel smothers a chuckle.

Merlon looks at her emotionless, "Hard way or easy way?"

Kaitlyn looks confused before rolling her eyes, "Try me."

Axel just looks between the two excitedly.

Merlon sighs before moving like a blur and grabbing her by the waist.

"Hey! You do not touch a girl without consent." Kaitlyn shouts trying shoving him off.

Kaitlyn wiggles out of his grip and looks around quickly for her choice of weapon. Merlon looks at her unfazed before taking a few steps towards her. She raises her finger and starts making a noise as if to stop him from moving. Merlon just chuckles before throwing her over his shoulder.

Axel gets a dark look on his face before gets steps in front of them both.

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