Chapter Three: "Freak"

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~I love Camaro's so this is her car lol keep in mind it's obviously not going to look that good.~

Kaitlyn wakes up and she's laying on her bed. She sits up and her head starts pounding. Her hands immediately got to her temples as she rubs thoroughly.

"Whoa there, slow down," a voice says to her right.

"How did you get in here?" Kaitlyn groans holding her head.

"Your door was unlocked," the voice says.

"So you just strolled into my apartment? Uninvited?" Kaitlyn says narrowing her eyes. Her eyes widen suddenly before looking down to see she had clothes on, her eyes snap to Axel who just shrugs.

"Well, thanks for helping me," Kaitlyn says getting up, she cringes when pain shoots up her side. She lifts her shirt to see a bruise. She just sighs walking, well more like stumbling out the door of her room into her kitchen. She pulls the freezer open and gets an ice pack before putting it on the bruise. At first she hisses through clenched teeth at the coldness but, eventually settles it on the bruise.

"What happened?" Axel asks angrily.

"Kirk," was all she said.

"Why haven't you stood up to that punk?" Axel asks.

"I did, I think I broke his nose,"Kaitlyn says shrugging nonchalantly.

"Great, but wait weren't you like a numb f-," 'Freak'  he almost said but, Axel cuts off with wide eyes before correcting himself, "Weren't you a sort of mute?"

Kaitlyn ignores what Axel had almost said.

"Yeah, but this time was different. I actually felt anger, after all these years of just feeling numb...? What's changed?," Kaitlyn trails off looking at the ground and losing herself to her thoughts.

Axel looks at Kaitlyn studying her.

"After all these years", Kaitlyn mutters again more to herself.

"There's this place I've been wanting to take someone," Axel starts wringing his hands nervously but, there was something off about it.

"Axel, I'm not really in the mood or condition for a date," Kaitlyn says pointedly looking at him before lifting the ice pack off her bruise and throwing it back into the freezer and actually walking back to her room.

"I'll stop asking if you go," Axel says putting his hands up in surrender.

Kaitlyn rolls her eyes,"Fine but, this is the only time."

Axel pumps his fist in the air, Kaitlyn just shakes her head. This would make about the seventh time he's asked her out this week. Kaitlyn met him about four months ago when he first moved into the building. He's one of the only other younger people in the apartment building, everyone else is an elder or about to be an elder. When he first moved in they instantly clicked, Axel saw her as more than a friend but,  it was only one sided.

"Now what time is it?" Kaitlyn asks stretching slowly being leery of her injured side.

"It's only been two or three hours since you passed out," Axel says looking at his phone.

"Ugh," Kaitlyn says falling back onto her bed.

Axel chuckles, "Oh and your car just needed a new radiator and oil change."

"Oh, that's it?" Kaitlyn grimaces sarcastically. "Anyways, thanks for fixing it," Kaitlyn says staring at the ceiling.

"No problem," Axel says looking at her.

Kaitlyn sighs and puts her arm over her eyes.

'Everything will make sense when we meet,' The voice echos in her mind once again.

She jerks up quickly wide eyed. "This is getting annoying." She mutters under her breath. She then thinks to herself, 'Crazy voices tend to only be crazy voices, hopefully they stay that way'.

She flops back on the bed before she feels the bed dip beside her, and looks up to see Axel looking down at her with his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Staring is rude you know," Kaitlyn says.

"I don't care," Axel says still looking at her.

Kaitlyn picks up a pillow and hits him in the face with it.

Axel looks shocked before his face breaks into a grin,"It is so on."

Axel swings the pillow into a fast arch missing her and making a gust of wind blow papers and posters on her wall up. She quickly puts her pillow down to catch a few loose ones before pinning them back up.

"What's all this?" Axels asks cocking his head.

"Nothing." She replies too fast.

Axel moves closer and looks at them. They're missing posters and news clippings of all the missing women.

"Investigator wannabe?" He asks chuckling.

She glares at him before pushing him out of her room and shooing him out of her apartment.

The next morning, Kaitlyn gets up for work. She is in a program in her school where she works the mornings sometimes and goes to school in the afternoon.  It's only allowed for two to three days of the week oddly. She only joined this program this year. Kaitlyn has been job hopping since she was about thirteen. She rode a bike until  she got her first car, it was pretty cheap but, it got her places. Eventually Kaitlyn went through a time where she doubled shifts at two different jobs and almost completely dropped out of school, she was only sixteen at the time. Kaitlyn finally got into a decent financial situation and quit one of her jobs, got a much better car, and bought her own apartment.

Kaitlyn gets dressed and grabs her keys on the way out her door. She speed walks down the hall passed Axel's door as he's walking out his door.

"Are you late or something?" Axel shouts after her.

"No, I'm just not feeling lazy today," Kaitlyn shoots back.

Kaitlyn hears Axel mutter something as she rounds the corner. She continues down the steps and through the door out into the parking lot. Kaitlyn stops and breathes deeply, looking at her car. She rushes over pulling the door open and plops in the seat. She sticks the keys into the ignition and her car roars to life.

"Oh, it is nice to hear you working again," Kaitlyn says grinning.

Kaitlyn pulls out of the parking lot and drives off to the diner.

~Jesus what is with me and short chapters *face palm* I'm revising and editing though, slowly but surely. I'm failing one of my math classes I'm trying to fix this book quickly so it's easier for people to read without everything changing once every month. There  is going to be major changes. Edited and adding more (4l07/16/2022)~

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