The smiles

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The crowd reaction was so surreal, cheers errupting as each person walked out. Zoe, Bethan and Emma in their long and elegant dresses looking majestic and beautiful. Phil, Dan and Jack were dapper and handsome, Even if Dan and Phil did look socially awkward and out of their comfort zone. I walked out afterwards, also in one of my own creations, politely curtseying at the end of the stage to say thank you to everyone.

"So I have some exciting news....I just checked backstage and I can tell you I have just hit the 100,000 mark! and to celebrate there's going to be a cheeky collab video with me and some other youtubers! Really I just wanna thank everyone today for making me realise that there is people out there who like me and want me to succeed and I just hope I can be a fraction as good as this lot!"

I was so elated to have done that. Never in my life had I felt such a buzz. We were all ushered from the stage, we got changed and now we were free to mingle and have fun with all of the fans.

"So Ellen, Dan told me about our collab. We were wondering when is best for you?"

"Well if you're here for the full 3 days then maybe we should just film it at one of our hotels? Maybe do a video for each channel?"

"Yeah that sounds brilliant! Oh, And it's nice to finally meet you Ellen" He smiled before adding "Dan hasn't stopped talking about you all day"

I politely smiled back, my inner fangirl was screaming but I had to stay calm.

"If you don't want to hang around here by yourself you know you can always join Dan and I?" I wasn't sure how to reply but lucky enough he responded still.

"Well see how you go, take mine and Dan's numbers and if you ever feel a bit overwhmed or alone just give one of us a ring and well come and meet up with you" he handed me the paped with the two numbers before hugging me.

"Hoepfully we'll see you later on" and off he went out the door to meet their many fans.

I took yet another deep breath before stepping out, a bunch of girls instantly turning to look at me before running over and hugging me straight away. As they fussed over me and I joked back, taking a look over at Dan and Phil who were swamped. They both looked back, smiling cutely and both waving. It was weird, I had only known them a day yet they were being ridiculously friendly? like there was something to it. No...No there couldn't be! could there?


you'll soon realise I like to finish on drama or a cliffhanger :) Im personally not keen on this part but I hope you all like it :)
Carlie x

That girl (A Dan Howell and Phil Lester fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now