An unexpected guest

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Dan had made that twitlonger and everyone was tweeting him things like "We understand Dan, We're so sorry" but they were completely different on my end. "See, you fuck around with Phil and Dan still sticks up for you!". Never would I ever imagine that this could happen just for meeting my idols. I never thought they would love me the way they do. I never thought I could love them both yet look where we are.

I rang Carlie asking her to pop over. At this time I just needed someone to talk to other than Dan and Phil because I was getting more and more stressed by the day. She came over as soon as she was free, which was around 5pm, she brought a bottle of wine with her and her pjs and we had a girls night in.

"What's been happening with those two then?"

"Well the short version is I went out with them both, I like them, they like me, I kissed Dan full on while Phil was asleep and he walked in, They barely talk and now their fans are out to get me"

Before she had a chance to respond there was a knock at my door. I apologised to Carlis before getting up to answer and there stood a solemn looking Dan.

"Hey Ellen, Look Phil and I had a massive argument. If you aren't too busy would it be okay if I come over for a little while to give him some time to chill?"

"Well I have a friend over but yeah it's fine, there's wine in the kitchen or lemonade and coke in the fridge so just help yourself. He grabbed a glass of wine and followed behind into the living room where Carlie already sat. She turned around to look at him before I introduced them.

"Dan, this is my friend Carlie, I think you met at vidcon briefly? Carlie this is Dan"

"Hi it's nice to meet you Carlie, I think I remember having a chat with you!"

We all sat down in comfy clothes, Me and Carlie in our PJs and Dan in his sweatpants and Tshirt. We all watched some TV shows and comedy DVDs. We took a little break in between where I decided to ask Dan what had happened earlier even though it was hard when all 3 of us were drunk.

"So...Daniel...What happened with you and Phillip?"

"He got pissed off that this whole thing is still going on and said he can't wait much longer so I stuck up for you saying you would decided when you were ready and he just went mental!"

"You did that for me?"

"Yeah...of course I did! He was out of order and had no sympathy when he should be more caring for someone older than us?"

I couldn't think of anything else to do but hug him.

"Awwwwh!! This is adorable!!" Carlie interrupted, flapping her hands around.

I cuddled up closed to Dan while he wrapped his arms around me but before we knew it Carlie was drunkly fallling asleep and we thought we would put her to bed and head off too.

"can we talk for a little while before you go to bed?"

"Yeah of course, Just come in here out of the way so we don't wake Carlie...Not that anything should wake her" I quietly joked making reference to her loud snoring. I ushered him into my room where we then sat on the bottom of my bed.

"You know, I think the reason Phil is tired of this is because he's giving up hope. He feels so threatened because I don't think he's met a girl like you. I know I haven't! You are truly amazing Ellen, you know that don't you? The fact you had company and still had time for me means the world."

"You're just saying that because you're drunk!"

"I am NOT! If I were just saying it would I do this?" His lips dove towards mine and without even stopping to speak let alone think we were moving further up the bed.

Just as we reached the top he stopped.

"Wait! I'm not sure we can...What about Phil? This is getting ridiculously heated and I don't wanna have to take more heat from him!"

"Right at this moment I couldn't care Dan because I live in the current moment, not the past or future so right now I'm going with my gut and what makes me happy"

I moved closer again, taking off his Tshirt as our bodies moved closer...I might regret it when sober but the passion just took over.

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That girl (A Dan Howell and Phil Lester fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now