Chapter Two

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A/N: Hi guys~ I'm back! Just a short notice for you peeps: another character will be introduced here!

...oh, and if you ask, I don't own the cover. I only added words and that's it. Please don't kill me!


I finally make my way to the central plaza, ignoring the stares I received from most townspeople.

Don't mind me, I had thought to myself. I'm just another passerby. Don't mind me.

The central plaza is a bustling place. Sounds of laughter and playful shrieks as well as hollers of the vendors ring out, forming a din of voices. The shops surrounding the center are full of people, and some smoke is in the air. There are no cars around, and I see a porcelain fountain in the middle of the plaza. I walk over to it; I see an angel statue whose jar was pouring water.

Admiring the beauty, my grip slackens on the diary. I quickly tighten it and look around, but no one's looking at me. No one recognizes me.

I sigh. I've been asking around on my way to the plaza, and I've been getting weird looks and shaking heads. To make it look normal, it's either I'd approach them and tap them on the shoulder and say, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were someone I knew," or bump into them and apologize. So far, no one knows who I am.

This amnesia thing is really exasperating. No person ever wants to lose memory of everything, right? I mean, we all want to forget things here and there, but everything? I know I'm not the only one in the world, but it's still irritating. Having only a diary in some foreign language wasn't helping. Searching my head until it hurt wasn't helping, either. It only gave me splitting headaches.

What did I do to deserve this, anyway? I think, standing up and walking aimlessly.

Another sigh escapes my mouth as a mother and her child pass by me. I don't bother asking her; I'm too tired. I keep walking, pondering if I should just move on. Moving on and making new memories would be pretty fine, but then again I'd probably be some ragged girl on the streets, begging for food and money. So I'm stuck for now. I know I should keep looking, but not today. I want to sleep, but I don't know where. Maybe in some alleyway? That's going to take too much time, and I don't think I can walk that long anymore. I didn't know the town, and it could take me forever to find an alley, if there is one. Maybe I should--

Suddenly, I feel someone bump into me.

I fall to the floor, and so does the stranger. Huh. That's the first time I bump into someone accidentally. Maybe I should save the question for later. I should apologize.

"Ah--" I start, but the stranger springs to his--well, it seemed like a boy--feet, dusting his clothes.

"I'm so sorry!" he says (I was right; it is a boy) before I get my own apology out. He holds out a hand and helps me up. I look at him closely; maybe seeing him could trigger some memories or something. I don't know much about amnesia, but it's worth a try.

The boy is a few inches taller than me, with straight hair so dark it was almost blue, and slightly small eyes with the nicest shade of sea-green I've ever seen (not that I've seen any other sea-green). He wears a black, short-sleeved jacket over a sleeveless white shirt, faded grey pants, and blue sneakers with red stripes. His skin is pale, but his face is basically aflame. He has a low-bridged nose, low-arched eyebrows, and vaguely straight cheekbones.

How I managed to notice the small details of his face, I don't know.

"No, I'm sorry," I reply, smiling slightly and waving my free hand. "I didn't see where I was going."

The boy grins sheepishly, and his blush fades. He extends his hand in front of me and says, "W-well, I'm Nero. What's your name?"

My voice catches in my throat, and I pale. No one ever asked me my name, and now... Agh. Darn it. I don't know my name. Stupid amnesia...maybe I can make up a name? No, no...I'll feel slightly guilty; in a way, I would be lying. So...should I tell him that I don't remember? I don't see any harm in doing that...

"Excuse me...miss?" the boy, whom I now know as Nero, waves a hand in front of my face. "Are you all right?"

I snap back into reality, waving both my hands and smiling. "Oh, I'm sorry," I start, trying to buy time. "Uh, um, well, my name's--"

But before I say anything else, Nero's eyes tear away from my own. I raise an eyebrow, and then realize what he's looking at. He then murmurs something that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Th-that diary..."


A/N: Okay, Chapter Two done! *cue Mario music* It's pretty fun writing Nero, he's pretty shy and polite XD

I guess that's all I have to say?


§Until the next chapter!§

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