Christmas Special

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I find myself standing on a sidewalk. It's snowing, and there's a scarf wrapped around my neck. The sky is dark, the moon is full, and the stars are bright. It's very quiet, but a few blocks away I hear the noises of bustling people.

Where...where am I?

"I'm sorry I'm late."

I turn around to see a boy. I can't see his face clearly; his eyes are hidden underneath his dark bangs. He wears a thick jacket, black pants, and what looks like a pair of boots. The hood of his jacket is up, and he's rather lanky.

He approaches me and wraps an arm around me. "Sorry," he says. "I had errands to do. For my brother."

I laugh. I can't seem to control what I'm doing. It's bad, because I really want to move away from this boy. I don't feel comfortable around him. It's as if he's going to do something. Something bad.

But I can't move away from him.

Then the words come out of my mouth before I know it. "It's alright," I reply. I see the boy lean in closer to me. My urge to veer away grows, but I still can't do anything. "Now, what do you want to do?"

The boy kisses my cheek, and I smile. Somehow I feel empty inside now, like I'm in a dream. Am I, maybe? I don't recognize him, and by the way he acts around me, he must know me. He must think he's close...and maybe he is.

Suddenly, his smile fades as he shakes his head. Snowflakes fall like dandruff from his hair, and I notice that his hair isn't black, it's more of dark burgundy. His hand tightens around my shoulders, and the he lets go.

"What's wrong?" I ask. I turn to him, and there is a worried and nervous tone in my voice when I say, "Is something the matter?"

The boy shakes his head again. "We can't do this anymore."

Devastation makes my face fall as I stutter, "Wh-what? Why?"

"We...we just can't," he says softly. "I know it's sudden, but...but..."

"But what?"

The boy looks at me, but his eyes are still shadowed over. "I never loved you. You're too shallow for me."

"Wait--Den--we can work this out!" I stutter. that his name? "Please, why--"

But the boy--Den--cuts me off. "I'm sorry," he says coldly. "You've been growing distant. Every sign of affection I give reject. I don't want to know what happened. Besides..."

My eyes widen as he says, "I already have someone else."

"Den!" I cry, reaching out and holding his shoulder as he turns around. He swats my hand away. "Why--"

"Bye," he says. "Bye, Dalia."

My head starts spinning as the scene dissolves into darkness. Voices whisper in my ears, speaking hoarsely of things I don't know of.

"I'm sorry."

"Is that what happened?"

"What's your name?"

"Didn't you want this?"

"But...but it's Christmas! Don't leave me like this!"

"Who are you?"

"I'll be right here for you, okay?"

"I love I loved you."

"What are you doing?"

"Don't kill me..."

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"Slit the jugular."

"But I can't...!"


Suddenly, I find myself on the floor, huddled in a sleeping bag. The room is dark, and the moon gleams from the window on my left. A bed is to my right, and that's all I can see.

I shift my position in the sleeping bag. This is just like a while ago. I can't act voluntarily.

There are a few rustling sounds on the bed. I look at it, and my eyes fall on two sea-green orbs looking worriedly at me. They were gleaming in the meager moonlight.

"You okay?" a voice in the darkness asks, and the green eyes blink. The voice is too familiar, what with the hints of worry and courtesy. And there's no mistaking those eyes.


"I'm fine," I say, and reach under the sleeping bag. I withdraw something that is also familiar...

The diary.

If they were both here, then that meant--

Suddenly, there is a shout and a blur of colors. My world spins and red creeps into my vision. A pale hand reaches out, holding something, and shoves the item in my stomach.

I can hardly register what's happening before I feel my head hit the floor.



A/N: Yo! Merry Christmas! :D I'm back! So the reason why this was in italics is...

...not telling you.

...well, not yet! *dodges bricks* Don't kill me!

Anyway, the next chapter will be on Friday. Until then...



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