05 | crimson kissed fingertips

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For the several days and nights followed their first encounter in the early, dark hours of the morning, Sebastian and Aurora found themselves sharing the space in those hours most nights. They didn't have to speak, and most of the time they rarely said anything beyond a simple "goodnight" as one of them left the room before the other chose to do so. Aurora still had the knife that Sebastian had returned to her – it almost always remained under the cover of her dress, ensuring that neither the other servants nor Ciel would know of Sebastian's gesture and her possession of the blade. It was their secret.

Aurora stared down at the silver knife, watching the beams of sunlight glint off of the sharpened edges and bounce off of the walls within a fraction of a second. She always found it fascinating – the way the light would bounce off of the blade of the knife. Her fingers wrapped around the leather hilt of the weapon as she reminisced in the familiar feeling and the light weight of the sharp, deadly object that had found its way back to its wielder. At this point she would've chuckled, thought of a snarky comment or snide remark about the stupidity Sebastian had in trusting her with such a weapon, but she didn't. She refused the thoughts all together and pushed them into a back cupboard of her mind, hoping they would eradicate themselves.

As of late her mind had been set on her former subordinates in London. What rumors had been spread, who had taken charge, what they were doing now that she was gone. For the most part, she was aware that they we doing fine with what they had, but the other part of her didn't care enough to delve into that part of her thinking process over them.

Pallid fingers drummed over the edges of the knife while blue eyes fluttered in distain as a bright glare ricocheted off of the blade's surface. Aurora let out a small, audible sigh and carefully tucked the knife into its hiding place before leaving the room, for the work for the day was only half finished. She had already helped in serving breakfast and a snack to her master a few hours prior. Now he was in a violin lesson with Sebastian because his usual tutor had called in claiming she was unable of make it to the manor today, but would next week. Aurora had a hard time believing it, but didn't push the subject and continued on with her day along side the other servants.

Once she had gotten the letters that had been sent to the manor, she shuffled through them absentmindedly as she walked back up the stairs to take them to Ciel's study so he could read them. It was almost too quiet for the manor. Or at least, this particular manor. Aurora stopped in her tracks and rapidly shot her gaze through the window as she subtly leant down to retrieve the knife she had just put away. Paranoid delusions. The bushes rustled slightly, causing birds to fly from the small tree above and forcing numerous green leaves to fall to the ground, though nothing more came from the bush.

"Aurora," Sebastian called as he approached. Aurora looked away from the window and sloppy drew her hand away from the hem of her dress. He would start assuming the worst if he witnessed her taking the weapon out. The butler's eyebrows furrowed together. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing at all," she replied feverishly. "I was only looking out the window, I thought I saw something."

"Are you positive?"

"For goodness sakes Sebastian, take an answer without question for once." Aurora snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked down at the letters in her hands. "These letters for the young master came, I was going to bring..."

Sebastian's eyes shot over to the window when another rustle of movement flurried across the tree line. He stayed still for a few long seconds before he lunged forward and grasped onto Aurora's hand, pulling her back into his chest as he slammed himself into the wall next to the window keeping her still and away from the open area. Glass exploded out over the ground and skidded across the polished floor where the two had just been standing. Aurora shuddered back with wide eyes.

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