06 | burning gold

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Note: IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SCHOOL SUCKS AND SO DOES THIS CHAPTER AND ALSO this is not following any particular season of Kuroshitsuji, so please don't be surprised when I mention Claude and Alois, along with any other characters I choose to be important to the plot line, though Claude and Alois won't be too terribly important in part one of this book.

Aurora didn't know what she was anymore.

The thought of sadness, grief, and confusion overwhelmed by night and left her tired and dragging by day. Memories of the man she killed only days before race through her thoughts and conquered the emotions swirling beneath her eyes in form of dark circles and noticeable bags as Ciel announced that she would attending a schedule with himself and Sebastian. She still went to the library every night, though she stored herself in the corner armchair and simply watched Sebastian silently while he read and watched outside the window. She wasn't back up to the standards she once was, and she missed it, being that person.

She missed not being guilty when she watched someone die at her hand. She missed not remembering or having to care for Nathaniel or Edward, despite her lack of affection and spiteful pet names she had for them. Being in the Phantomhive Household was changing her and she hoed that eventually it would erase those memories of killing, murdering, and assassinating, however she didn't at the same time. Aurora didn't know what she wanted exactly.

The schedule, or ball rather, was going to be held on behalf a special occasion Aurora wasn't alert enough to remember. Perhaps it even had something to do with a new case, she wasn't sure – she had been too out of it to recall what exactly had been said. The most she remembers is being told Earl Trancy and his butler Claude would be there, then the malice that struck across Sebastian's face. After that, she was sent off to finish cleaning the kitchen and prepare for their leaving this afternoon. It was only a two day trip for the three, meaning there wasn't too much to worry about besides the four servants they were leaving behind.

Aurora blew the stray hairs falling from her bun and leant her arm against the doorway, choosing to rest for a while rather than continue down the hall behind Mey-Rin. The chatty maid didn't even seem to notice Aurora had stopped as she continued to walk down the hall, broom in hand, carrying on without a care to herself. Shaking her head, Aurora allowed her eyes to close for a few seconds, hoping to at least rest her weary eyes for a few moments before she had to finish cleaning and then escort Ciel to the carriage soon.

"My, sleeping in the middle of work, Aurora." Sebastian hummed.

The brunette jumped at the sound of his voice and sprung away the doorway while she straightened herself out and blew more of the stray, flying hairs away from her face and eyes. Sebastian sprouted a smirk at her surprise. He walked around her and fixed his gloves further down on his hands, stretching out his hands and fixing the cuff of his tailcoat, sporting his own way fly silently fixing himself like Aurora.

"Don't do that," Aurora scolded, narrowing her eyes at Sebastian. The two had visibly become more comfortable around each other, and according to the other servants, shared a similar way speaking and getting things done as quickly as possible.

"Do what?" Sebastian raised his eyebrows at her and tilted his head to the side. "I haven't slightest idea of what you're speaking about."

"You know what you did, Sebastian," she retorted and followed behind him. "Don't sneak up on me and startle me."

Sebastian's smirk widened into a grin. "Perhaps you you shouldn't sleep when you should be cleaning with Mey-Rin," a chuckle escaped his lips and his brushed his hands over the front of his tailcoat as if to rid it of any dirt. "I'll be readying the carriage, please make sure the master is downstairs in the next ten minutes, we must be punctual for the ball tonight."

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