09 | curiosity killed the cat

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after being a horrible person and sending you all a holiday special that was hopefully good, I'm back. im not quite dead yet, but I'm getting there. also feel free to hate me, but ive been busy. ITS BEEN A LONG WHILE OOPS FORGIVE ME

Throughout the day and the next, Aurora slowly pushed herself and her body to heal itself until the illness she had contracted eased down to a sore throats and rasped voice. The ache in her head had gone and the nausea had long passed thanks to Sebastian's tedious work to push her back to health. She was thankful to him, however the voice in her head hadn't allowed her to say so whenever it would speak.

They were heading back to the manor now, Lady Elizabeth joining them, along with with her maid Paula. Aurora sucked in a deep breath through her nostrils and gazed around at the trees and bushes that littered the landscape approaching the last few miles to the Phantomhive Manor. It had been quiet, serene. She would hear the occasional laugh come from inside the carriage and the quiet chirp of a bird, but nothing that would've disrupted the peaceful atmosphere that that settled between the two Phantomhive servants.

At the start of the day, Aurora had been worried that Sebastian had noticed her unusual behavior around him. She had caught him stealing glances at her and shooting strange looks her way whenever she would pause at the sound of the raspy voice, then place a hand on her forehead. Aurora dreaded to think of what would happen if Sebastian found about this voice.

"Something on your mind?"

Aurora brushed a stray hair away from her eyes and tucked it back into the bun tied at the base of her head. "No, nothing at all," she lied easily. "Why do you ask?"

"You look troubled, is all. Is your head bothering you? You haven't completely gotten over what you had in the past few days, are you sure you're feeling all right?" Sebastian pressed, raising an eyebrow.

"I can assure you that I'm fine, Sebastian." Aurora shifted on the uncomfortable bench and crossed her legs. "It's awfully strange having to travel such a distance just for a silly ball. It's also quite troublesome with the distance."

"I'm afraid that you'll have to get used to it, unless you wish to seek your enteral slumber by trying to escape."

"That's not what I was trying to say," she rolled her eyes in dismay, biting back a snide comment. "I was only saying that going into London just for a single night of dancing is silly."

"We'll return to London if a case proves to need us there, so this will not be the last time we travel this far." Sebastian explained shortly. He plucked an eyebrow up at her and glanced at the brunette out of the corner of his eye, observing as she shifted and readjusted her bun once again. "Does London make you nervous, Aurora?"

"Does it make you think of all the people you've killed? All the people who have a price on your head?"

"Of course it doesn't, why would it?"

"You've said it yourself– there are several people with a price on your head."

Aurora crossed her legs and pursed her lips. "I'm well aware of that. I know the prices willing to be paid, the possibilities and the schemes pointed toward my demise. I wouldn't doubt it if even the lowest of nobles paid an assassin for my head on a silver platter."

"The very same nobles that paid you off to get others killed, you mean?" Sebastian asked, sending her a sideways glance with his eyebrow raised in question. "Am I remembering that correctly?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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