oops | i was tagged

261 10 12

not an and update but will be soon, i swear

i was tagged by: lostlowkey a precious bab

do you have a crush?
ha, yeah right, no.

middle name?
i have two middle names, actually. mira and taylor.
its strange asf and  no one else has two middle
names but who cares.

im a smol child at 5'1 or about 155 cm

eye color
my eyes are hazel, but everyone thinks
they're either green or brown. smh can't make up
their minds.

shoe size
it depends on the shoes, really, but mostly a 7

last song i listened to?
run - bts

last time i cried?
hmm a couple weeks ago i think

biggest fear
being forgotten

last person texted
my mom

favorite app
spotify or instagram


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