Ch. 5 The Friendly Jew

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"I see it!" Jesús whispered to Chris.

"You do? Where?" Chris whispered back.

"No, actually I don't, I'm just saying it for dramatic affect." mumbled Jesús. "If I'm right, the spy should jump down from over there." Jesús pointed to a high rafter.

"Great, and we all know your always right?" Chris said said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

Right about then a figure hopped down from the rafter that Jesús had pointed at. They group of 4 drew their weapons. Dog pulled out a staff 2 times his height from his shirt pocket and held it ready. Aadan stumbled from fright and pulled out a rocket launcher. His eyes nervously looked from right to left an his legs shook. Jesús and Chris pulled out the crap swords that I can't remember the names of. Was it Bertha and Billy? Jane and Joe? Oh yeah it was Mary and Bob, I should have known *sigh*.

Anyways Jesús tripped over Chris's sword and they fell into Aadan. This caused Aadan to fall and start crying like a baby. That was when the stranger walked out of the shadows. He was dressed in casual clothing and held a sword and a shield. He also had a wide-brimmed hat and his pockets were full of candy.

"Hi, I'm Daveed. People call me The Friendly Jew though." the stranger said smiling the entire time. Daveed then fell on his side out and started vibrating from over consumption of sugar. The group just stared at him for a good, long 20 minutes. They would have stared longer, but he got up by then.

"Did I tell you why I'm here?" Before they could answer, he cut them off. "Me and the Spaghetti monster aren't on good terms k. I'd like to join you on your quest-thingy."

"Why should we trust you? said Jesús suspiciously. He wasn't looking at the Jew though. He was watching a lint ball because he thought it would attack him.

"I thought someone might say that, so here's my story" Said Daveed cheerfully.

"I thought we were fucking done with stories" said Chris angrily. "Apparently not." he went to a dark corner and sat down facing the wall mumbling.

Jesús and Chris: The Attack of the Flying Spaghetti MonsterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora