Aw, you're blushing

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Castiel was sipping on his fourth cup of beer. He had lost Meg in the crowded house party an hour after they arrived. Now he was bumping into everything and everyone trying to look for her on his own. Barley making it up the stairs, Castiel raided every room that wasn't occupied with horny teenagers. Meg wasn't answering his calls either and at this point he had given up, so he went back downstairs where he nearly toppled down the steps.

The entire house was cramped with loud, stoned, and drunk teenagers. The music was so noisy it was starting to give him a headache and make him feel sick, then again it could easily have been the alcohol. Either way, Castiel quickly staggered outside after feeling the uncomfortable bubbling in his stomach begin to rise. He doubled over then sank to his knees as he threw up on the grass. The contents in his stomach continued to spill from his mouth until he was dry heaving. A few drunk girls who were outside yelped at the sight of him and ran back inside as he lifted his head back up.

Castiel cringed at his breath, that was a mixed smell of alcohol and bile. He slowly stood back up in an unbalanced attempt to make it to the curb. Still somewhat intoxicated, Castiel sat on the curb feeling embarrassed and going through his phone contacts. Maybe going to a party wasn't the best idea.

If he called his parents then they'd murder him, figuratively speaking, so he decided not to and suddenly Dean popped into his clouded fuzzy mind. Castiel nervously dialed his number then pulled his knees close to his chest as the phone rang.

"Hello?" The second he heard Dean's voice he froze, feeling a wave of sadness and guilt overcome him. It was odd how one second he was sorta okay and then suddenly he was on the verge of tears. On the other side of the phone call was Dean lying in bed, feeling tired and sluggish with his phone pressed to his ear. He only answered because he had seen Castiel's caller ID pop up.

"Dean.. it's me," Castiel's words were soft and slightly slurred, "ca-can you, uh, pick me up?" A very concerned and confused Dean sat up on the other side of the phone call, "Where are you? What's going on- it's two in the morning kid."

Dean was already rolling out of his bed when suddenly a quiet whimper came from the phone, Castiel was starring up at the sky and holding back his drunk sobs, "I know it is, i-i'm at a party. I lied when I called earlier about being sick- i'm sorry."

Dean frowned, realizing that the teenager was on the verge of tears. He quickly got dressed and ran out of his crappy apartment to his car, "Are you hurt? What happened?"

"No- just...I'll text you the address okay?" The teenage boy sniffed and hiccuped. "Alright." Dean agreed then hung up. A few seconds later Dean had the address and was driving a little more rushed than usual.

While waiting for Dean to arrive, Castiel stretched out his legs and sucked in a few long breaths to ease the familiar queasy feeling in his stomach. He was still definitely buzzed, but he was trying hard to keep himself grounded to reality. He thought about what he was going to tell Dean and wondered if Dean would tell his parents. A few more tears welled in his eyes, but Castiel wiped them away with his knuckles harshly.

He was blinded by headlights, thank god Dean was here.

Castiel pushed off the ground and onto his wobbly feet to meet Dean half way. Dean walked up to the boy slowly, noticing how worn out- yet still beautiful- he looked. Soft wisps of his dark hair swept past his ear and caressed the skin on his neck, his eyes weren't full of joy like usual. Castiel walked straight into him, throwing his arms around Dean in a desperate manner.

Dean bit his bottom lip and awkwardly wrapped his arms around the teenager's frail body. The embrace was warm, and Dean's strong arms seemed very protective. The world around melted away as they stood their hugging.

Castiel pulled away from him and Dean sighed noticing his slight shivering, "You're obviously not okay, I should get you home."

"I can't go home, not.. like this." Castiel whined while Dean gave him his jacket to keep warm, "What do you mean you can't?"

"I'm not, technically sober at the moment." Castiel stumbled a little as they walked to his car. Dean shook his head, realizing that too. They got into the car and Castiel used Dean's jacket as a blanket.

"I'm taking you h-" "Please no! I'm begging you. M-my parents think I'm staying at Meg's house for the night, I can crash on y-your couch." Castiel slurred a bit again. He was staring up at him with pleading eyes. Dean kept his eyes glued to the road ahead, knowing if he looked at those eyes any longer he'd give in. Of course that didn't help, because the teenager was leaning closer to him and chanting please repeatedly.

"Fine, now put your seat belt on. Go on." Castiel nodded quickly, moved properly back into his seat, and put on his seat belt. He leaned back, staring out the window like he always did to observe the moon that hung full and hazy beneath an eclipse of blazing stars. Dean wanted to ask questions, but decided not to overwhelm Castiel since he was already anxious and upset.

He sneaked a glance at the teenager, immediately remembering his dream and how similar this scene looked to him. Castiel turned his head and caught him staring, "What?"

Dean's cheeks suddenly flushed pink and Castiel thought it was very cute against his freckled skin. A sly smile appeared on the younger boy's lips, "Aw, you're blushing."

Dean scoffed then turned his head to avert his gaze, "Am not."

"But your cheeks are all pin-" "I'll drop you off at your house if you don't stop." Dean grumbled in a serious tone to hide his embarrassment, but Castiel chuckled and rolled his head back towards the window, "m'kay."

The car was silent again. They were almost there when Dean spoke, "I was looking at you because you looked very... beautiful."

Castiel sucked on his bottom lip and blinked a few times to register what he had just heard. Dean had just called him beautiful.

WHAAAT? I know I'm fangirling too.
Cute story...I rewrote this chapter so many times and when I finally had this finished product I saved it on my computer and left the tab open. So when I got on my phone the entire chapter had erased because of a glitch and I freaked out, but remembered it was on my laptop so I went back and it was still there. IF IT HAD ACTUALLY DELETED I WOULD HAVE RUN INTO A WALL NUMEROUS TIMES TO EASE MY ANGER.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter? I worked hard on it and nearly had a heart attack trying to save it.

Xoxo, G

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