Butterflies and Clint Eastwood movies

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They were parked outside the apartment complex. Dean was quick to get out and Castiel followed. It was a struggle for Castiel to go up the stairs with his terrible balance at the moment, so Dean helped drag him up them and into his apartment. The apartment was small, but cozy, it was a bit messy too. There was a fireplace in the living area and instantly, the teenager was attracted towards the few photos sitting over it on a mantel.

"Castiel, get away from those, come get in bed." Dean huffed, the annoyance clear in his voice, because he was very tired.

"Already trying to drag me into bed with you? Wow, you haven't even taken me out to dinner yet." A drunk giggled erupted from Castiel's lips. He was very content with his sudden confidence that was indeed influenced by what was left of the alcohol in his system. Of course Dean wasn't, because he was blushing again. He found it odd how a teenager was making him blush, he didn't like Castiel in that way... did he? No way.

"Is this your brother?" Castiel picked up one of the wooden frames. In the photograph was a young blonde Dean holding a baby in his arms. It reminded Castiel of his brother Gabriel, who he hadn't thought of in a while.

The sides of Dean's rosy lips tugged upwards, "Yeah."

"Is this him too?" The teenager pointed to another photograph on the mantel to which Dean nodded. It was of him and his brother, Sam, leaning against the chevy impala parked outside. Castiel ran his calloused thumb across the dusty glass and put the wooden frame back with the rest before wobbling towards Dean.

He yawned loudly as Dean led him into his bedroom, "You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." 

The teenager kicked off his shoes and fell onto the bed, his happy grunt muffled by Dean's pillow. Castiel was too busy getting comfortable beneath the white fluffy bed sheets to notice Dean had left the room already. A small frown formed on his face, because he wanted Dean to sleep with him. Castiel told himself it was the alcohol that wanted him there, but it wasn't. It was him. And surely the couch wasn't very comfortable.
He found himself pushing the bedroom door open and tip toeing into the living room. There, Dean was coiled beneath a blanket on a couch that was too small for him.

"Dean you look ridiculous, come to the room. There's plenty of space in the bed." Dean grunted in response, not wanting to move, so Castiel approached him.

"What are you doing? Let me sleep." Dean groaned when he felt his arm being tugged.

"Only if you come to the room."

The glare Dean shot at Castiel made him chuckle. Finally Dean stood and made his way back to his bedroom with the younger boy. Castiel jumped onto the left side of the bed and threw the covers over his freezing body. He watched as Dean slowly crawled into bed too, facing away from him.

Dean didn't like the idea of this, but he was tired and nothing really mattered when he was tired. The entire apartment grew silent, in fact It didn't take long for the teenager to fall asleep. After a couple minutes he could already hear the faint snoring coming from behind him. Dean rolled over, his eyes immediately landing on the sleeping teenager inches away from him.
A few strands of his short dark hair stuck up against the pillow and Dean found it adorable.

The younger boy looked so peaceful. He wanted nothing, but to watch Castiel sleep. Dean knew he couldn't do that, he had work tomorrow, so he closed his eyes and let himself slowly drift unconscious as well.
Neither of them woke up once throughout the middle of the night.


Castiel awoke to soft white sheets pressed against his face. The light shining through the blinds was irritating him, because he now had a raging headache due to yesterday. A soft grunt left his lips as he pressed his face further into the sheets.

As lazy as he felt, Castiel eventually forced his blue eyes open and turned over in the bed which was now empty.
Dean had probably gone to work.

Even though he had a headache, it was like there were thousands butterflies whirling around in his stomach because he was in Dean's apartment. Sleeping in Dean's bed. A lazy smile erupted on his face as he rolled off the comfortable bed. Castiel landed on his two feet and proceeded into the kitchen, each step making the wooden floor creak.

In the kitchen was a note left by Dean that said "Take the Painkillers, drink some water, and get some rest. I'll come by later on my break to drive you home.
Don't. break. anything.
- Dean "

Castiel scoffed at the last part and mumbled to himself that he wouldn't ever. He leaned against the counter then grabbed the two painkillers and swallowed them with a large glass of orange juice. He tried his best to distract himself from his pounding head by making toast.

While Castiel was making himself comfortable at Dean's apartment, Dean was at the station- wondering if the teenager was okay. It was busy down at the station and Jody was storming around, making sure all work was being done so that didn't help at all when Dean tried calling the teenager who was back in his apartment.

"Winchester I need that paperwork, call whoever that is back later."

Dean gaped over at Jody and kept the phone pressed against his ear anyways. She sighed loudly at him then walked away just as Castiel answered, "what??"

"Just checking to make sure you're alive," Dean lifted the pen in his other hand to his mouth and bit nervously on the end of it.

"Yes, I am. Hey do you have any movies?"

"Left cabinet underneath the tv. I'm off in a few hours, alright?" Dean leaned back in his chair, listening to the silent shuffling of Castiel going through his movie collection.

"Kay and you have no good movies.." The teen huffed while Dean narrowed his eyes as if he could see him, "I do too, you just have a bad taste in films."

A short laugh came from Castiel, "half of these are Clint Eastwood movies."


"So all you watch are Wild West movies and the only other person I know who watches those is my grandpa." Castiel snorted and Dean smiled, "Well your grandpa is a cool guy."

"I guess, for a dead guy." The teenager rolled his eyes then laughed again. Dean snorted and put his pen down, "Whatever. I gotta go, call you later."

"Okay grandpa," "shut the hel-"

"Bye Dean." Castiel spoke over him then hung up, smiling like an idiot.

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