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"Balthazar, the truck!"

Castiel shot up in his bed, breathing hard and on the verge of tears again. His body was bathed in a cold sweat and his heart was pounding against his chest. He trembled in the darkness of his own room until he silently began sobbing. His nightmare, it was a rehash of the night Adam and his brothers died....

All the hairs on the nape of his neck bristled as he remembered his dream more vividly; Image after image they surfaced in his mind—Blood, darkness, lifeless expressions.

With a heavy heart, Castiel grabbed his phone off the bedside table to call Dean. Although Castiel didn't want to wake him up, he desperately needed to hear Dean's voice. It comforted him.

A few attempts at calling, but Dean wasn't answering. Castiel's dark lashes brimmed heavy with more tears as louder sobs tore from the back of his throat— surely his boyfriend was asleep.

He kept calling, hoping Dean would eventually hear the phone ringing. Luckily he did. Soundly asleep in his own bed, Dean heard the muffled ringing beneath the blankets piled on top of him. He turned over, pulling the twisted sheets around his limbs closer then blindly searched for his phone. Dean opened his eyes to look at the caller ID before answering, it was Cas.

"Hey, everything alright?" Dean croaked. Castiel's eyes became glacier blue under a sheen of salty tears, "No."

Dean heard the raw pain in his voice and became instantly concerned, "What's wrong Cas?"

"...Can you just keep talking? I need to hear your voice." Another sob wracked the younger boy and all Dean wanted was to hold him. He closed his eyes and started talking; randomly going on about what he did when he got home from work, stupid things him and his brother did as kids, and how much Trenton annoyed him on a daily basis.

Castiel had his blankets up to his chest and already felt better just hearing Dean talk. He chuckled weakly as Dean mentioned the whole Trenton dilemma, the soothingness of Dean's voice calmed him almost instantly.

"Dean?" The tears had stopped flowing from his eyes. "Hm?" His boyfriend hummed in response.

"I love you." He said, heart once again began beating at a normal pace.

"I love you too..... You feel a bit better?" Dean mentally imagined him curled up in bed, so adorable, and wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

"Yeah, I think so...I stopped crying so that's a good sign."

"Good. I don't want my angel crying." Dean cooed.

"Don't call me that," Castiel huffed playfully, but so did Dean, "Get some sleep angel."

There was a minute of silence until Castiel replied, "I'm scared to."

"I'll be right here, go to sleep and don't hang up the phone."

Castiel thought about it for a second and nodded even though Dean couldn't see him, "okay."

"Mkay. Night Cas."

"Night Dean." He put his phone back on the bedside table then curled up again beneath his blankets. Maybe it sounded dumb that they were going to fall asleep while on the phone together, but the thought was comforting knowing Dean was there. Not physically, but he was there.

Speaking of Dean, he also set his phone aside. He pondered what had upset the younger boy so much, maybe a nightmare or simply  bad thoughts? Either way it was most likely because of what happened earlier when they were at the crime scene of the "possible dead body". Turns out the dead body was Adam Milligan's mother. She had driven herself to suicide.

When Dean told Castiel the news it tore him apart. She was a single mother and Adam had been her only child. Castiel was devastated knowing she was probably going through some terrible pain all these months alone. That's what triggered the dream.

Hey! How's everyone doing?
It's almost Halloween, I'm super excited. Is anyone dressing up this year?
I usually never do anything on Halloween because I get lazy and binge watch SPN on Netflix instead of going out, but this year is gonna change 👀
This chapter was SUPER short and I'll make up for it in the next one.

Love y'all

Xo, Gabby

Undesired Hell [ Destiel AU ]Where stories live. Discover now