Beneficial Plan

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Work. The word was scorched, absolutely scorched, into Castiel's mind. He sat in class, too busy thinking instead of doing his science assignment. That morning his parents had discussed a "Beneficial Plan" to improve Castiel's attitude, which he could learn a lesson from. Instead of his parents undoubtedly paying the fine he owed, he'd work and pay it off himself. Of course Castiel objected the second they told him, but finally his mother called and arranged something with Officer Jody Mills. She loved his parents idea and was friendly enough to let him "work" around the station, instead of actually getting a job. Castiel was agitated, not to mention it was his friends fault. Speaking of his friends, the boy was doing an exceptional job avoiding them. 

"Castiel, did you finish your work?" Mr.Roman coughed in front of the entire class. Everyone's heads promptly turned at the mention of his name, and he was awkwardly the center of attention. 

"No, sorry. I got distracted." His face flushed with embarrassment since he always finished his work. The teacher made a sound of disapproval, before ignoring Castiel for the rest of class. He rested his head on one hand for the entire period, until the bell rang. 

As much as he hated it, Castiel was still loathing in yesterday's shame. He kicked his locker purposely once he got there, because all of his pity was slowly becoming anger. 

"Hey," To much of his surprise Meg was leaning against his faded blue locker. She had a genuine smile across her lips as she waited for Castiel to reply. Little did she know, he was still upset; really upset. As a matter of fact, he was surprised she had the urge to face him after what she did to him.

"That's it? Hey?" The boy spat in exasperation which surprised her almost entirely; she stiffened and watched his eyes harden. Castiel's normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed and Meg faced his consuming anger.

"I told you I was sorry, Castiel. You didn't get arrested, that's good right?" The tiny hint of humor in her voice disturbed him, even after she playfully punched his right shoulder. Meg tried, really tried, to take grasp on the situation she imagined he was in that night.

"I can't believe you guys left me there." 

"When running from the police, you're on your own."

"You could have told me that earlier, you know,  before I walked into a liquor store to steal guys some dirt cheap booze." He slammed his locker close and began walking to his next class, Meg trailing behind him. She scoffed at his sudden impudence, "You never had to agree on the plan Castiel, so don't blame me. Don't blame me for your mishaps, because your stupid decisions brought you to us in the first place."

"What's that supposed to mean?" His heart thrashed in his chest.

"It means you and your friends decided to drink and look at how that ended up. Pretty sure that counts as a stupid decision." A breath was caught in her throat; had she really said that to him? She had and she regretted it. Meg didn't want to see him react to her cruel response, so she sped away as quickly as she could because she knew if she had seen his face that it would destroy her.

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