Shopping Drama

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"So I've been thinking about Christmas and I'm clueless about what to get you..." Dean stared hazily at his angel—admiring the way he looked right now, straddling him and about ready to yank his clothes off. Dean's hand traveled up one of Castiel's thighs and settled against his hip. Using his other hand to push back the couple strands of hair impeding Castiel's vision, the sides of his boyfriend's lips quivered upwards into a lazy smile, "Don't get me anything, just this."

"As nice as that sounds, I don't see how we can mess around when my family and yours is in the same house on Christmas." The small hint of amusement in Dean's voice thrilled Castiel. "Sneak out." Castiel leaned down, pressing his rosy lips to Dean's throat. A tiny huff left those lips as he felt Dean's hand undoing his pants, "Mm no, I have to leave soon. I promised Meg we'd go shopping together."

"You're such a tease." Dean rasped, eyes closed. Castiel chuckled, kisses traveling up his boyfriend's chin and onto his wet lips. They softly kiss, raking fingers lightly through each others hair and biting bottom lips until they run out of air. With a gentle finger Dean reorients Castiel's face so that they're staring into each others eyes, "You're beautiful." The blue eyed boy holds his gaze as he's leaning into Dean's simple touch, "You're making it very difficult to leave, Winchester."

"Good, because I don't want you to leave." Dean smiled, the corners of his eyes creasing a bit. Before getting even more caught up in the moment, Castiel pulled away to get up, "Did I mention that Meg would literally kill me if I didn't show?"

"Castiel Novak don't leave me here all alone." Dean groaned, still laying on his back, while watching his lover put his shoes on. "Stop it, you wont guilt trip me this time! I'll see you tomorrow Dean," Castiel chuckled then kissed Dean once again before making it out to the front door.

The walk wasn't very long, thankfully Meg lived only blocks away from Dean's apartment complex. Yesterday in class he'd promised to go to the mall with her; that was different from their usual hang out. That consisted of binging a tv show on Netflix and eating chips or something, so Castiel was glad they were going to the mall, that gave him a chance to go Christmas shopping for everyone. Something he was really terrible at doing.

Castiel jumped onto Meg's front porch then rang the door bell three times before the white frigid door swung open. His best friend came running to the door, pushing her younger sister—Ruby—out of the way. "Tell mom I'll be home later. Bye!" Ruby scoffed, about ready to complain, but Meg slammed the door in her face.

"Alright, lets go before someone yells at me." She sneered then grabbed Castiel's arm, leading him down the driveway. Already in the car and down the road, Meg gazed straight ahead, "Benny broke up with me last night."

"What? Meg, are you okay?" Castiel frowned as her hands tightened around the wheel, "Yeah, he's an idiot. He'll come back...anyways how's the whole situation with your parents and Dean—They still weird about it?"

"Not really. My dad definitely got used to it sooner than my mom though." Castiel's frown morphed into a small smile.

"Aw look at you all syrupy and enamored," She cackled as they pulled into the mall parking lot. Castiel flushed red, "yeah, well, he's sweet."

"I'm glad you're happy unicorn, but if Dean ever hurts you, I'll break him."


Meg ran her hand along a rack of clothes. She grabbed a purple blouse, holding it up against her own silhouette, "Something like this?"

Castiel's eyes fixed on the purple garment then her curious facial expression, "Hm, I kinda like the other one better."

"Same—Okay, I'll buy that one then. Let's go before I spend all of my money on one store!"

After throwing the purple blouse back onto the rack, they walked over to the checkout to pay for their items. Although Meg had done most of the shopping, Castiel found Dean a funny, but also inappropriate Christmas gift. The gift happened to be a T-shirt that said 'Save a horse Ride a cowboy'. It was funny and he knew Dean would think the same.

Nothing else in that store caught his attention...Like mentioned before, Castiel was terrible at buying people gifts. He wanted to get Dean good Christmas gifts, but the man didn't like much besides cowboys, food, his car, and Cas.

"What are you thinking about?" They left the store, strolling past the Christmas adorned food court where people swarmed the area like bees.

"Christmas gifts for Dean, ugh...what do you a person who only likes cowboys and pie?"

"A pie, cowboy hat, sex?" She bumped into his side and he blushed, "we haven't had sex..."

"Holy crap, really? You've got to have done at least something dirty with him. You're not that innocent," She winked.

"Shut up." Castiel just laughed awkwardly and looked down, trying to casually hide the fact that he was blushing red. He wasn't fooling anyone though, Meg knew her best friend, "No need to be shy or embarrassed, Benny and I didn't have sex either." As she openly confessed, Castiel gaped back up at her in shock. Meg was always confident and publicly bragging about her sex life. It wasn't something she was timid to talk about, since she didn't care. He admired her confidence a lot.

"But what about the stories you mentioned in class?"

"We did other things, but never actually had sex. I wanted it to be special, because I liked him, so I decided to wait... Plan a special date or something, but he couldn't wait, so he broke up with me." She sounded so hurt that Castiel immediately felt his heart break for her. They stopped weaving through the crowd of people when he grabbed Meg's hand, she stared at him with tears brimming at her eyes, "You deserve so much better than him Meg. He's an absolute idiot that was too blind to recognize everything that makes you so damn amazing. So don't you dare waste anymore tears on that bastard."

"I won't." Meg yanked him in for a hug then blinked those tears away.

Here's a chapter I really like because we finally get to see more of Castiel and Meg's friendship!
Before, whenever I wrote about Meg she was usually doing something wrong or seemed like a bad friend, but now you got to learn more about her, even see a different side of her.
I didn't realize until after that it may seem like Meg might like Castiel, but she doesn't. So don't worry lol. They're just besties.
Happy New Years to everyone! I hope you have a good 2018 ❤️

Xo, Gabby

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