Chapter Six: Revenge and Relief

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OK, so when I said that Alec Gray was getting his ass kicked, I wasn't lying. Seriously, I wasn't. It had just taken a lot longer than I was anticipating, which is why it had to happen today.

Yes, I know. Dear Lord, it's been ages. But Alec Gray had stepped out of his boundaries the very minute I met him, so he had to know what was coming his way. What type of idiot did he take me for? Of course I was going to get him back. It's only simple, really.

It had taken time to prepare myself, but I was ready. Even snatching his room key from right under his nose was easy enough. Typical, really. What did I expect? Hanging it loosely in front of his shirt despite snoring against the breakfast table wasn't very discreet on his part. I could've used it to wring his stupid little neck, if I wanted to.

After retrieving it as fast as I could, I'd raced back to my room and shoved it under my pillow. Then, I'd spent the whole day holed up into my room contemplating my decision. Contrary to popular belief, I did actually have a heart.

Albeit, it was decided. I'd lay in bed after dinner, waiting as the warmth of the sun dipped into the horizon in a whirl of blurred oranges and streaks of cotton candy. I'd scroll through my Instagram, counting down the seconds till midnight. Then, I'd make my big debut as a star and creep into his room. It was 100% foolproof.

So I'd laid out my crisp white outfit onto the velveteen chair and hummed excitedly under my breath, pacing the room. Whilst most people would go for the all black clothing in situations like these, I was feeling a little angel-like. Even if I looked like a glow stick bolting around Alec's room, it didn't matter.

And when the time rolled around, I sluggishly got up from the bed. I trudged into the bathroom, grabbing my clothes. I slipped them on, slapped on some chapstick, and winged my eyeliner.

Just wing it. Life, eyeliner, everything.

When I finally felt content, I pursed my lips into professional mode and grabbed a pair of sneakers. Shoving Alec's room key into the pocket of my jeans, I drew a sharp breath and creeped into the lobby.

My eyes wandered around, looking out for anything that might jeopardize my brilliant plan. Calming my erratic nerves, I gulped down the fear and slipped the key card into the slot.

Digest those butterflies, Zara.


That's all it took. I hadn't done anything like is before, and it was terrifying. My hands were frozen in place; I couldn't bare the thought of pushing forward the door and stepping inside.

But I tried, because, it's all about the experience.


I mustered up all my courage as I grudgingly pressed my hand onto the door handle. With a small squeak, the door unlocked. I pushed it open hesitantly and looked around. Apprehensive, I stepped inside.

My breath hitched as a small creak emitted from the floorboards. I cursed. Not even a minute in and I'd already given Alec an opportunity to wake up. Way to go, Zara.

Drawing a small breath, I managed to suppress my worry slightly. If I was going to do this, I had to make sure I did it right.

My eyes scanned the room in hopes that I would find something useful. Furrowing my brows, I listed the various possibilities.

Nearly plummeting to the ground thanks to his stupid suitcase, I hastily spotted Alec's shirts, piled up on top of each other in a careless fashion. My lips tugged into a grin as I thought everything through.

Hastily, I snatched a pair of gleaming scissors from the bathroom and grabbed a plain shirt, as well a as a whole bunch of others that were scattered on the floor. My eyes roamed around the shirt as I pictured it in my head. Cut outs scattered randomly on his shirts, a wave of surprise he wouldn't have seen coming.

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