Us and Them

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James paid for the first round of drinks at the Three Broomsticks and Rosemerta served the beverages to the students as well as a sorrowful glance to Mister Moody along with his double of single malt whisky. Their table was fairly secluded in a darkened corner of the pub. Mister Moody informed them that he'd like to get to know his daughter's new friends and since because he was an auror, this translated to an interrogation.

"Okay Bobbie. Since you're my kid and I actually know you," her father began as he looked toward his daughter, "you're first. I am addressing you as your father and not Albert J. Moody, Auror, alright?"

Liesel grimaced and nodded as she brought her glass tankard of butterbeer to her lips.

"So here it is: If you ever try to obilviate me ever again, you're grounded for life, got it?"

She held the glass to her lips for several seconds and the beverage in her mouth even longer before she swallowed it. Sirius brought his fist to his lips and cleared his throat as he attempted in vain, not to laugh. Finally his shoulders began to bob as tears formed in his eyes. He cleared this throat again and cocked his head to the side and looked at her as he sucked on his own lips and he pointed to the soft mustache over his upper lip and then to her lip. She curled hers and rolled her eyes as she wiped at her mouth unceremoniously with the sleeve of her sweater.

"Sweetheart, you may want to ask your friends to help you with charms. It's not your strong suit by any means, you know. Alright?"

"Sir, she mentioned that Transfig is her gig," James offered.

He nodded as he sipped on his drink. "She's brilliant in Transfig, that's true. She ought to be. She's been transforming since she was a tot."

"Transforming," Remus asked softly, eyeing Mister Moody.

"She's an animagus," Sirius said, then he turned toward her. "I'm quite cross with you about that, by the way," he said.

"What? Why!"

"You erm, relayed to me, an....untruth."

"About what!"

Mister Moody stared hard at the young couple as they were about to engage in their first argument as he swirled the drink in his glass...he wondered just how comfortable they were with each other.

"You said that your father would cart you off to wizzy jail if you even attempted the animagus charm."

Mister Moody nodded emphatically. "If I may interject, Mister Black?"

"Oh by all mean, please do, Mister Moody!"

"Wizzy jail, is merely our code word for her bedroom when she's grounded, which happens to be in the top most floor of the turret of our house. She'd be grounded for a very long time for trying to do something stupid like that! So that's true."

Sirius grinned and nodded as he elbowed her and swung his arm around the back of her chair and leaned back in his. "Pegged it!"

"Shut up," she muttered under her breath and then looked to her father. "You gonna make me go to bed without my supper too?"

Mister Moody moved to speak, only to change his mind and try not to smile and he sighed then closed his eyes for a moment. He then looked to Remus. "Now your turn."

"ME!" He shook his head quickly.

"Yes you. After all, you're the one who happened to let slip the nature of your..." He looked around the room. "Little furry problem. No one outed you."

Remus slumped in his chair, a resigned smile on his face as he nodded. "That I did, yes Sir."

"Now that tells me Mister Lupin, that you're either very brave, or very stupid. Now judging by your dog-eared copy of Advanced charms, I'd have to assume that it's not the latter." He looked to the other students. "Now, am I right, or am I right?"

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