Last Kind Words

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Sirius turned Liesel's little yellow MGB onto Grimmauld Place and pulled up directly across the street from number 12. He stared straight ahead at the car parked in front of them and held on to the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white. Liesel reached over and turned off the ignition and took the shifter out of neutral and slid it into first gear, then pulled up the hand brake. 

"Are you okay," she asked quietly. When he didn't answer, she touched his arm and he nearly jumped out of the car. "Sirius?"

He looked into her eyes, then his gaze slowly moved behind her and his jaw dropped...he could see the stairs leading to the front door and he slowly raised his hand pointed behind her. "Do you see that?"

She shifted in the passenger seat and looked toward the long building. "What am I looking at?"

"Can you see the house?"

"Which one? I see mine..."

"My parents' house?"

She shook her head and he closed his eyes; he was expected. He breathed in deeply.

"Sirius, look at me?"

Again, he didn't move and she placed her hands on the sides of his face and his eyes slowly moved to gaze into hers.

"You don't have to do this you know?"

He nodded. "Yes I do."

"Well, then...come on? I can go with you if you want?"

He smiled and breathed in deeply as he looked up the wall to the windows of his father's room and he lifted his hand when he saw that the drapes had parted, but just as quickly, the draped returned to their closed position and he frowned. "No. I've got to do this on my own," he replied in a low voice.

"Why don't you come inside and we can floo James and Lily?"

"No, I want to get this over with."

She nodded. "Alright? Do me a favor though?"

"What's that?"

"Help me put the top up? Looks like it might rain."

He smiled as he nodded. "Yeah. I can do that." He looked up again and saw that the drapes had been pulled back again and he gestured with his hands as if he were questioning whoever was on the other side of the glass, what's up? Finally, his father came into view and he gasped with shock at having seen the unhealthy state of the man. "He looks terrible Bobbie!"

"You can see him?"

"He's letting me see him, yes. I wish you could. He looks older than Dumbledore!"

"Oooh. You better get in there then?"

He looked up again and pointed to the door and Orion shook his head. "I have to floo in."

"Well, Daddy said that they floo in his office goes right there."

Sirius nodded. "Yes, he did. Right." He breathed in deeply again. "Come on, lets get this thing locked up?"

She nodded and  she began to open the car door and Sirius asked her to stay put because his father was watching. She nodded once and Sirius exited the tiny car and walked around toward the passenger side and opened the door and helped her out, then escorted her across the street to her house. He looked up one last time and saw that the curtain had closed.

Liesel opened the door and walked into the small vestibule, then opened the main door. "HEY LUCY! I'M HOME!"

"In here, Darling," her mother called out from the kitchen. John exited from his office with a glass of amber-colored liquid and handed it to Sirius.

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