Play the Game

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The last day of February's weather had been cold but the rare sunlight had kept the temperature livable. He had passed the women's clothing shop where she worked as a clerk on his bike four separate occasions, resisting the urge to go in and see her. He did see her look up from the window during the last of those occasions when he sat outside the shop on his bike, debating if he ought to stop in or not. He had missed her terribly for the past few weeks. When she looked up and smiled brightly and waved, then threw him a kiss, he was satiated for the time being.

As promised, Sirius arrived to pick Liesel up promptly at 6:45. He understood that she wouldn't have returned home until around 6:30 and giving her only fifteen minutes to "get ready" which meant, exchanging work clothes for something comfortable for the bike, possibly refreshing her glamour (not that she needed his mind anyway), packing a bag, etcetera. He had hoped that she would have thought to pre-pack a bag the night before; he also understood that she probably wouldn't have because she would have changed her mind at least ten separate occasions...he couldn't understand why she'd fret so much...why would she need four separate outfits? They never went anywhere; there was always something that needed to be done for the house. He knew that she'd be tired and hungry and he had soup and fresh bread from the local bakery keeping warm for supper. She had told him that she had some important news to share with him...he was hoping that it was that she landed the promotion of assistant manager that she'd been working so hard for and with this is mind, he had ventured into the off license to purchase a fresh bottle of Pimms, her favorite. He had also braved the muggle grocery store to purchase the 7-UP to add to the Pimms as well as the cucumber for the garnish.

Sirius looked at his watch multiple times as he sat on the settee waiting for Liesel to come down stairs. Laurie came out from the kitchen to greet him with a cup of tea and sat opposite him. Finally, John put down his newspaper.

"So Sirius, who do you think is going to make the finals of the World Cup this season?"

Sirius' head snapped toward the man and he desperately attempted to not appear stunned that the man was actually speaking to him. "Erm, well since England is out..."

John groaned and nodded. "A travesty!"

"It is!" Sirius realized that he had responded a bit too loudly. "I'm rooting for the Irish," he said finally.

John nodded. "Yes, they're very good this season. The Germans are as well though."

"Oh absolutely! They'll definitely give them a run for their money!"

John nodded again. "Mmm."

"The Chinese have a great team as well this year and they're wicked fast!"

John's eyes looked toward the ceiling "Sounds like she's finally ready."

Sirius looked to his watch again and nodded. "That's not too bad actually. It's only 7:24. What time did she get home?"

"About 6:40 or so."

"Wow! This might actually be a record!"

"Oh my god, you two," Laurie exclaimed. "Be nice, both of you! She's had an incredibly long and stressful week! It hasn't helped matters none that she hasn't been feeling well."

"Haven't we all," John replied. "Okay, so the Irish, or the Germans?"

"Oh the Irish absolutely! Just on principal!"

"Ah, that's a good lad!"

Liesel rounded the bottom of the staircase and stared at her father and her boyfriend deep in conversation and she held on to the bottom of the banister and stared at the two of them. Sirius looked up and smiled as he stood to greet her. He walked the short distance to the staircase and took her hand and led her from the bottom two stairs and kissed her cheek.

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