The party

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I found the keg, and poured myself another cup of beer as time passed. I drank the beer in the garden, before moving onto the kitchen again just passing the time. No one seemed to notice I was even there, as they kissed each other, or got off with each other. About an hour had passed, or more since I last saw Riley. When as I was sat on a chair in the kitchen listening to a mix of Pop songs, and Urban tunes Wendy found me.

"Hey, James. Glad I found you." She told me.

"What's up?" I asked her putting down my beer.

Wendy looked left to right, being cautious.

"One of the school quarterbacks, gave Riley a drink when I wasn't there; and she drank it but I think he gave her something stronger than Vodka. He's trying to get her inside the bathroom alone. I didn't know who else to find, to help."

I sighed, and stood up.

"Show me." I said.

Wendy guided me through the house, and I saw a bathroom where a large quarterback with short black hair and built like a brick-shit house was trying to drag Riley into the bathroom. She was fighting him, but her body looked limp, and she looked as if she was either drunk or drugged by this guy. The guy had at least double my body weight on me, and a few inches taller than me. He looked all muscle in mass, so I slowly approached him as I told Wendy to stay back.

"Please, leave me alone." Riley said, swinging her arm limply at the man to get loose from his hold.

He said nothing, trying to drag her into the bathroom with her by her waist in a bear-hug hold.

I moved closer, and cleared my throat.

"Let her go." I said, and looking around me saw a what looked to be a letter opener on a small hallway table, where there were a pile of open, and unopened mail.

He looked at me, and snarled.

"Fuck off, or I'll beat you down."

I listened to his threat, and advanced on him.

"Well, you've got double the size on me and muscle. But I don't need that, to beat you. I will not allow this to happen, which means if I need to stab you with this then I will. I will call you an ambulance of course, but by the time they arrive do you think you'll still be breathing?" I asked him in a threatening tone.

The guy laughed.

"I know the threats you made to Donnie, and you kicked him about until he backed down. The problem is, I won't back down like he did." He told me.

I smiled manically, as if I was crazy or hopped up on drugs too much to care about the risks involved in this confrontation.

"That is all I wanted to hear, you're giving me all the justification to stab you until you're dead almost. You're attempting to rape, my friend there which means I will do everything in my power, until with broken bones and will I cannot get on my feet again to stop you. Now what does that mean, if someone makes that promise to you?" I questioned him.

He was no longer pulling Riley into the room, and she was standing on her own feet watching the confrontation. He said nothing, but watched me.

"It means, that I will not stop. It means to protect my fucking friend there, you will have to make sure I have no pulse left when you're finished with me. Because I'll come back, again and again until I am a fucking corpse to protect that girl there. She's all that matters to me in this town, and I will do everything to protect her." I said now a yard or two away from him and Riley, holding the letter opener in my hand in a menacing way.

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