Chapter 9

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I organized a picnic with my babies and Seth "you guys go play" I told David and Stella they were about to run off "but wait wait wait...wait you have to play in mommys view or uncle Seth's ok? Go have fun" they both giggled and ran off I turned to Seth and said "unpack the car Seth while I set up the table" I turned to where the wooden table was.

"David! Stella! Come here angels!" they looked at each other and David said "let's see whose the fastest!" Stella nodded an giggled "on your mark....get set....go!!!" Stella was fast Seth was watching and saw Stella run and said "OOO kill em'!!" I chuckled to myself and opened my arms for my angel to come into my arms I lifted her up and said "aww my baby is such a great runner!!" I set her down on the table and hugged David and whispered in his ear "that was nice of you" and kissed his cheek then we ate our sandwiches and drank our water and the kids drank apple juice after we were done I looked at Seth and said "ok since we are done Seth pack the ca..." Stella started crying I ran to her side and said "baby what's....wrong" I looked at Seth and said "Seth get the kids to Emily'!" I said sternly he stood there I gave Stella to Seth and kissed her head I picked up David and said "protect your sister" I said "mommy are you coming with us?" his eyes started to tear "not right now baby......not right now'' I was on one knee so I got up and turned to Seth and I nodded he picked up my angels and as he packed the car and put my babies in the I heard David screaming "MOMMY NOO COME BACK COME HOME WITH US!!! MOOMMMYYY!!!" and the screaming faded away I sighed and turned to face him

"what are you doing here?" I asked "I came to see you I mean you were my first love.....until"I growled "until I came along !" she said all happy I growled "uh-huh and um who are you?" I asked "my name is Renee" she stepped forward she was pretty but the only thing wrong with her was that she had red eyes! I growled and shifted into a wolf I saw the horror in Edwards eyes "you're a wolf?!" "no I can turn into a vampire" I thought "I.....I.....I can hear your thoughts" he said I backed up a bit "get out of here" I thought "Bella do know why Renee is here?" he asked "to show off" I scoffed "nope we are going to kill you" my eyes widened and so did Renees she faced Edward and said "Eddy you said I was going to meet her not kill her" she said "Eddy don't do this she has a family she has two kids you saw how hard it was for the little boy to leave her! Don't do this, this is wrong I won't do it" she said Edward chucked "fine I don't need you, your just a pest anyway but I'm keeping you" he picked her up by the coller and said "but if you displease me I will kill you as well" and threw her at a tree I backed up "what Bella? Are you scared?" he started to whisper "you should be" I started to bark then he lunged at me I ran but I avoided Emily's house when I thought I was alone I started howling to get the packs attention then I ran again since he found me we were back at were the picnic was "that was a good run Bella" I watched Renee try to lunge at Edward but failed and got sent flying to at least 5 or 6 trees that's when I got scared "Edward don't do this I have a family!" I thought "tell me 2 reasons why I shouldn't kill you" he said "ok for 1 you left me because you hated me and 2 I have two kids what if you had married Renee and I apparently hated you and I wanted to kill you wouldn't you want for me to spare you?" he thought for a moment "give me another reason" he said not looking at my eyes "GIVE ME ANOTHER REASON YOU PIECE OF CRAP!!" I backed up so he wouldn't kick me "don't worry Bella the pack is coming"

I heard some barking and then silence "TELL ME!!" he roared "FINE! DO YOU WANT ANOTHER FUCKING REASON! I'LL GIVE YOU ONE JACOB IMPRINTED ON ME AND HE IS MY SOULMATE NOT YOU!!! YOU LEFT ME! YOU DIDN'T WANT ME! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I thought " wait that mongrel did what?" he ran toward me and kicked me sending me into a tree I whimpered then he ran toward me and stepped on my leg which broke it I howled in pain "TELL ME WHAT HE DID TO YOU AGAIN!!!" he roared "Edward please stop!" I said but he didn't listen I don't know why I said it

"Quil! Embry! Sam! Where are you?!" I thought "we are coming" Quil thought "Bella are you alright?! I'm coming" Jake thought "HURRY!!" I thought back at him "SAY IT!!" he roared again I got up limping "fine do want to hear it again?" I thought gasping for air feeling my bones shifting back together I stepped forward and he grabbed my leg and threw me into the wooden table breaking it and knocking me out but as soon as he did Sam Quil and Embry came then I saw Jake running he looked around till he found me he came up to me I shifted back into a human and he went to hold my hold when he did I winced I guess it was broken "Bella" he whispered " came" I smiled "I'm tired Jake" I said it was true I was all sweaty and I had bruises all over me "I know Bells but whatever you do don't fall into the darkness....please" my eyes were closing it was hard to keep open "Jake......I love yo.." I fell into the darkness


I'm going to try to write more but

I need inspiration




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