him part 1

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The movie was so funny, when we left I looked up at my boyfriends face he I kept wondering why I chose Edward over Jake I guess I never relized how perfect he was. "How do you do it Jake?" I asked 'What do you mean?" he replied looking down at me and putting his arm around my shoulder "I mean you get the girl you have good looks how do you do it?" he chuckled suddenly Sam, Seth and Jake stopped walking they all looked at each other "Jake whats wrong?" I asked "theres a vampire" he whispered the last word he pulled me behind him. I saw a man I think walking in the shawdows

I wondered if it was him....."mmmmnnn.......you smell delicious just like last time" the shadowy figure said "who are you?" I asked "that hurts......Isabella?......no,Bella thats it yes, Bella.......yes thats right Bella''I thought for a moment trying to know who knows me and would try to kill me I stepped forward Jacob looked at me and tried to hold me back "Jake" I said "its ok" he hesitated then he let me go I stepped forward to talk to the shadowy figure "Aro?" I asked "no heres a hint two boys one girl" I thought for a second I took a step back my eyes wide open "no'' I whispered "it cant be" I could feel Jakes eyes on me, Laurent came closer "what do you want?!" Jake growled I held his hand I could feel it shaking I looked up at him "Jake calm down" he looked down at me I looked at Seth and Sam I noticed they were shaking to "guys, calm down we are still in public" it was true people were starting to stare, I started to blush

"Laurent, why dont we talk somewhere more.......private" I said calmy Jake looked at me like I was crazy I looked back at him a little scared I didnt know what I was doing, "yes we shall talk in the woods" he ran off "what the hell Bella?!" Jake said "I dont know Jake, I honestly dont know what Im doing"

We walked all the way to the woods Sam and Jake were in the front Seth was behind me I was watching Jake the whole time I saw Laurent sitting up in a tree "man you guys smell except for you Bella...you smell...just wonderful!!!

he jumped off the tree and lunged at me I saw Sam and Jake change into wolves I heard Seths clothes behind me rip Sam tried to knock Laurent into the tree but since Lauurent brinks human blood he was stronger than Sam so Sam was went flying into the tree Jake growled and tried to knock him down but ended up on top of Sam. I started to cry Seth walked up in front of me and knocked Laurent down I saw Sam and Jake sneak up behind him they shifted back Laurent stood up and I looked at Jake with my puppy dog eyes "now Bella I dont WANT to kill you but when Edward killed James, Victoria and I teamed up and split out whoever found you first got to kill you.

"But sh-shes dead!" I studdered out Laurent turned around and punched Sam and Jake in the stomach sending them into a tree Laurent turned around and grabbed my arm just then he showed up.

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