Chapter 8

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Badge: This is when the real fun begins.... also please don't kill me to what I'm about to write, this is from Subs point of view so some characters are going to appear differently to what we fans/viewers see/watch on crafting dead....
Normal speak
Sub speaking
Thoughts and flashbacks
"Who are you?" A male wearing a black t-shirt with the letter 'M' shouted at Max and I as we stand on the edge of one of the buildings in the abandon town. How did we ended up on the edge of an 2 story building with guns pointed at us by a young wannabe leader and one old goff? Its pretty easy to explain.....

(stop braking the 4th wall Sub >~<)

It started with Max running around with only his boxers on at 6 o'clock in the morning the day after reds gang/army left. Then it was the usual morning routine~
6:15am: Chasing Max around to put on clothes
6:59am: Hunt
7:15am:  Eat
7:45am: clean up
8:00am: let Max pray at Uno's grave stone
8:45am: Leave Max to do what ever he wants
8:45am: research more about the zombies
9:30am: meet up with Max and play around with the zombies.
11:00am: Look around the abandon town for anything interesting

It was 11.05 am when I notice something odd. The zombies were all walking towards a certain direction in town, which is very strange as they usually stand around seemly bored out of their brains to do anything. This also set alarm bells ringing in my head as this happen the other day when red's army/gang ran threw our town. Max decided at that time he wanted to climb onto the roof of the 2 story building 3 houses away, so me being the idiotic/worry little brother joined Max at getting to the top of the building. That's when we found our selves in this interesting position with 2 guys pointing guns at us.

"Oh me? Its just me,myself and I, ohhh and Subby" Max chirped when pointing me with his mitshettie when talking to the 2 men. I could he the old goff whispering to the younger male about Max being insane. I, myself was angry at what the goff said that Max took control instantly of the situation, when he took a step in front of me and growled at the men with anger. "Sub did not like what you said about me being insane and the whispers of him being blind" Max growled at the men. The men were surprise at what Max told them since we were standing exactly 25 metres away from them. Using this as a distraction, I grab Max and jump over the edge of the building dragging Max with me. Like we do when bored, the tunnels underground became useful for when we are jumping from heights that would normally kill a human being to one that will only leave you with a scratch at worst. How we did it? Well it's a secret~
I could hear the men shouting out to Max and I when we jumped off the building roof but sounds were soon soften once we reach the tunnels of our town. Stretching my arms and legs I turned to see Max skipping towards the tunnel on the right side of me. Shaking my head I jog up to meet him. It was peacefully quiet which is rare for me and Max while we went right to left through the maze of tunnels. "Is Subby ok from the browny and oldie?" Max ask, snapping me out of my day dreaming.  I'm ok Max...just annoyed at what they said about us... I answer him twitching my fingers from years of practicing sign languages with Ross that it became muscle memory. Max nodded his head and moved on speaking to him and himself quietly in front of me.

An hour or so later guess what we found? Food? nope, Weapons? yesish, water? uhhhh, Zombies? Yep, Stupid people that locked themselves in a building? Yep, Stupid people that pointed guns at Max then you? Yes

This is going to be a loooooooong walk...

Chapter 8 finish and ooooohhhh what's going to happen next I wonder~ hehehe
Until next time- Badge&Moon signing out

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