chapter 9

134 10 2

One Chappy coming your way was bored and tired on Bus so I type this Chappy and the start of Chappy 10. Im happy how this Chappy turned out ^^ so yeah enjoy~

Warning- mention of abuse and blood


"So your saving 'not red' from red?"
"Yes for the 15th time Max yes"
".....Then can we play Uno?"
"....YAY did ya here that Subby?"
Yes I heard what Nick said Max, and anyway how the Notch did you find this place?
"Ohhhh when mr sharply went chopping and I joined him"
" I guess it's wise enough not to know what Max meant by Mr Sharply?"
Yes very wise, very wise
I stretch my back hearing the satisfying crack before trekking forward in front of the group. We didn't start like this rescue mission at first. We camp out with the two strange guys for the night in one of Max's hats compartment where we learnt their names Nick and Bobby. Nick and Bobby were captured by Red before escaping with help from Corl. When I heard that Corl helped them I literally jumped on Nick while scribbling in a journal that I keep in all of Max's hat compartments, asking him about Corl. Nick reaction was of one in disbelief as Corl told Nick when they were in the same cell that there was only one successful escapee from Red...That escapee was me the mute. We talk for hours while Max visited Uno's grave. Bobby the oldest one out of the two strangers was pass out on one of the many beds in the building which was no surprise as the duo haven't rested since escaping from Red. I've also found out some well interesting things when talking to Nick.
1: He has a massive group base in the CDC.
2: He is the founder of the group
3: When talking about Red his hands will twitch into his palms showing that he lost someone important and young.
4: He knows who created the virus
5: He knows Uni....
6. He Knows Ross.........

Nick also told me that a friend of theirs is still in camp alive and me being the friendly one for once, I said me and Max will help him which leads to our situation as of now. I didn't really care what happens to 'not red' but I care for Corl and if Nick was right then Corl is still alive.

Sighing I look around me for anything out of the ordinary, blocking the bickering of Nick and Max behind me.   A hand landed on my shoulder causing me to stop in my tracks. Flashbacks upon flashbacks of what HE did to me resurface into my line of thinking. I could feel myself shuddering and shaking from where I stood as more and more flashbacks enter my mind. The owner of the hand on my shoulder let go of me shouting at people behind me. The words they were saying was nothing but buzzes in the background. I was then stuck in a memory I wanted to forget....

"YOU ARE A FAIL EXPERIMENT SUB, A FAIL EXPERIMENT WHICH COURSE MY WIFE TO DIE!!!" My father shouted at me forcing me to drink down his newest failed experiment. The chemicals burned my throat causing me to scream. A massive hand print on my cheek made my eyes swell up. My father stared at me with disgust and anger kicking me over and over again in the head. "I FUCKING HATE YOUR EYES SUB. YOUR EYES ARE THE ONES YOU STOLE FROM MY WIFE WHEN SHE DIED SUB,DIED SO NOW IM GOING TO TAKE THEM BACK" he screamed at me as he grabbed a vile of forest green substance and stomp towards where I laid on the ground bloody and bruised. Shutting my eyes  I wish I was somewhere else instead of this crappy town. Max died years back and Uni went into the army sometime ago leaving me here by myself to defend myself. Rough hands  forcefully open my eyes and pure the green substance into my eyes. Nothing happen at first then came the pain. The horrible pain that got worse every single second. I screamed and screamed while my father laughed at my pain. I could barely see through my eyes as the pain slowly web away I was still able to see what I look like from the broken glass litter around me. What I saw made me snap. One moment I was on the floor broken and bruise the next moment I'm ontop of my father chocking him. I grab a vile with yellow substance in it and forcefully pry open his mouth. "YOU WENT TOO FAR FATHER WHEN YOU TOOK AWAY THE EYES THAT WAS THE ONLY CONNECTION WITH MUM" I scream and shove the yellow substance down his throat.......
He head...
And I went.....Red...

Flashback end's

-------------3rd point of view---
Bobby sighed as Nick and Max bicker to and fro arguing about the apocalypse. Bobby looked up towards Sub who was walking at the head of the group guiding them threw the thickness of the forest safely. Trotting to catch up to Sub he clasp Sub's shoulder to ask him something, but Sub stop all of the sudden causing Bobby to stumble. Confused Bobby turned to Sub to ask what was wrong before his words died in his mouth. Sub was violently shaking almost like a seizure. "Sub can you hear me? Sub" Bobby shouted gaining the attention of Max and Nick. Max eyes widen and he push Bobby out of the way causing Bobby to fall on to the ground with a cry. "Why did you do that Max?" Nick question angry helping Bobby onto his feet. Max did not answer at first as he was calming down Sub the only way he knew works....
...hugging and holding him...

Sub stop shaking yet he was still out of it, Max turn his head towards Nick and answer his question with salty tears running down his face. "You Gruffy brought back badie from Subs childhood. H-he hurt S-Subby *sniff* w-with experiments...I-I could-dn't s-save him" Max whimper clutching onto Sub like a life line. Nick and Bobby was shocked by what Max told them. Nick thought that the apocalypse was the worst thing to go threw but being abuse was worst and now he sees the out come of it. Bobby was furious, how could a guardians abuse such children for anger and sick humour? It's wrong so wrong but people still do it. Their attention snaps back to Max as Sub slowly move Max's arms of him before walking ahead once more. Max trotted to catch up while Nick and Bobby stood there. Noticing they were getting left behind they run to catch up. What Nick & Bobby came upon was shocking but good to finding Red's hideout.

Max sitting on a tree trunk clapping as Sub de arm a grunt of Red's using a frying pan.....
Now this was a interesting sight indeed.

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