Chapter 10

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Here's the Chappy of the day :P
Sø łętß gēt ïñtö īt

"Dada dada dada Dudu dadaaaaaa dadaaaa.."

"Max be quiet you'll blow our cover"

"But we saving not red to play Uno with"

Uhhhh Max why are you wearing your police hat instead of your spy hat?

"Cause we playing cops and robbers"

.......Fare enough then

"Quiet both of you"


After our non successful capture of the Reds follower and a shouting match between Nick and Max. Which led Max to finding Red's hide out. Did Max do good? Yes, yes he did. Now we are in Red's hideout trying to get 'not red' and most important Corl. Looking around I notice Max running back to the greenery around us. Hmm so his following my plan instead Nicks one, Interesting.

Flashback of the other night

"Hey Subby.."

Yeah Max

"Did Max do good?"

Yes Max did good why ask?

"Max didn't save you from badie"

....Max we were young, too young to do anything against a adult

"B-but Max couldn't stop badie"

Max it's okay, I'm here, your here and we'll find our other brothers and friends! We will be happy then, trust me...

"Can Mr Sharpy come with us?"

Yes Max Mr Sharpy can come with us..also I need help by the wonderful Uno King Max

"Yes the King of Uno Kingdom is here~"

Oh King Max I need help of getting Corl out from the clutches of the evil man eating Red..

"Hmmm temping, but what's in it for me~"

We will have another buddy to play Uno with and we can play 5 games of Zombie golf~

"Okidoki, what's Subbys plan?"

It's pretty easy Max  here's the plan.....

Flash back finish

The plan was quite simple for Max to follow as I am doing the hard part of said plan. I will go in the prison building while Max took out any guards or grunts from the out posts. If Max sees Bobby, Nick, Shubby or Corl was in any trouble he can help them. If I don't get out of Red's camp them Max is to follow Bobby or Nick back to their big group in the CDC. Even though its not the best plan that I ever created, its better then Nicks sneak in and hope for the best plan. Sorry Nick but seriously Nick, We are going into Red's camp, you don't think he'll set up any traps? No well then Pigs fly.....

"Max?! were is he?" Nick hissed towards me and Bobby 10 minutes later while resting his back against a building wall. Inwardly chuckling I shrug and focus on my part of my plan.

...Getting in to the prison...

As Nick and Bobby ran to the next building I sneaked around the corner of the building I was leaning on, and try to find a way in. Unlike Nick I looked around before running to a next hiding spot, so when we hid/lean against the building I've notice that the building had strong metal bars through the windows of the building dedicating that they must be holding something in there. Watching as a guard walk past I Leaped out of shadows, grabbed the guards neck and yank him back to where I once stood in the shadows of the walls. By grabbing the guards neck when pulling them back to the darkness I push down on a vital spot on the neck that causes the person to be knock out, so once I drag the guard into the darkness of the wall of the jail. They were knock out. I looked around to make sure no guards saw me before taking off the guards clothes and gear. I left my own clothes on underneath the guards clothes so when I need to escape I can rip up the guards clothes. I sighed as I notice that I will have to remove my bandage off my eyes but I need to blend in. Once done I slip my frying pan on my back as it blends in with the uniform. All prepare I look down once more at the guards almost nude body, I was nice enough to leave his under wear on but that's it. Turning around I head towards the jail cell praying that Corl is okay....

What I didn't know is that I'll find some stuff that will literally change this apocalypse around......

...well f*ck....

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