Rules // FAQ

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Hello welcome to Wattpaders' Book Club! The following would be the rules of this book club. However, before we start, I would just like to add that I started this book club after being inspired by other book clubs here on Wattpad

To find these other book clubs, see the reading list on my profile titled 'information'. Now, let us move on to the rules! Do note that there are two catergories. One for writers, those who have a book they need feedback on, and another for readers who simply love a good read.

***Book has to be in English and have to have minimum of 3 chapters***

Rules for Writers:

1. You have to complete your assignment by the dateline. If not, you get a strike. 3 strikes and you are out of the book club. For each strike, you also have to read 2 extra parts. Read the FAQ to know exactly what to do when you get a strike. Instructions would also be posted in each week's assignment.

2. The dateline will be stated at the top of every week. It is important to check the dateline as it may vary from week to week. You will be given at the very least 5 days to complete each assignment. Don't worry!

3. You have to read 3 chapters of your partner's book, vote (optional but appreciated) and make 2 comments on 2 chapters you read for your partner's book. Two comments to minimise the comments being clogged at the first chapter.

4. Comments have to be longer than 2 lines, and not just 'nice job' or 'excellent', unless you are commenting it as extra from your assignment.

4. A 'Book Of The Week' would be chosen base on a random shuffling app once this club has more than 10 members. Everyone has a chance as a book will be removed from the shuffler after it got a chance as the BOTW. When you get chosen for BOTW, everyone has to read 3 parts of your book and comment once on either the second or third chapter.

5. Following is not compulsary but highly refommended so that you will be able to keep up with the club. You will be tagged in the comments of every chapter though. This book club is for convenience and fun after all!

6. Use the hashtag #wattpadersbookclub when commenting. This is optional but encouraged as your partner will know it is you when you comment.

7. Comment done on the week's assignment when you are finish so I would know you have completed your assignment. If not, a strike will also be issued.

8. Readers would also be randomly assigned to read your books by the random shuffler. The process would be same as choosing a BOTW, everyone has a chance. Do note that Readers read your book out of interest and get nothing in return, so I would recommended thanking them for doing so.

8. Comment 'Wattpad Life' on this part if you read up to this point.

No questions? Move on to the next page to fill out the form! I recommend reading the FAQs though.

Rules for Readers:

1. Doing your assignment is necessary and not optional. A strike would be issued when you do not. 5 strikes and you are out.  However, you would not need to read an extra part in the case that you get a strike. (In the case of an extra part, read the FAQ)

2. You get to choose the number of chapters per book you want to read. The minimum, however, is 2 per book. Please state this in the form.

3. Commenting and voting is also optional but recommended. The star always makes someone's day!

4. You get to choose the number of books you want to read per assignment! The minimum is one, and the number you hope to read should be stated in the form on the next page.

5. You do not need to follow this account or do anything in additional of completing the form but adding the book to your library is recommended. 

6. You can become a writer when you publish your first book. Just PM me.

8. You have to read the BOTW in addition to your assignments.

7. Comment 'Wattpad Reader' if you read until here.

No more questions? Move on to the form to join the club! Reading FAQs are highly recommended though.

What happens when I get a strike?

You will have to finish your assignment and two extra part of your partner's. Instead of reading 3 parts, you hence read 5. This is kind of similar to a punishment for not reading your partner's story. For that week, no one would read your book and you would not need to read anyone's as well. Just focus on finishing the task at hand!

To remove a strike, read the 7 parts and comment done.

Will I check if you have really done your assignment?

Yes but if I miss you out, please have the integrity to really do your assignment. It is only fair after all if your partner does yours.

I hate the book I am reading. What should I do?

If you really hate the book, PM me. I will make sure to never give it to you again after the first time.

I love the book I am reading. I believe eveyone should read it.

Great! PM the book to me and it will have a special mention in the following week's assignment. Members would have an option to read it or not though. The book, however, would also have to belong to a book club member and one cannot recommend me his/her own story.

I read finish my partner's book.

I try not to let this happen but if it does, contact your partner and try to sort it out. Maybe you could read his/her other book? If it gets complicated, drop me a PM.

I am very busy next week. I cannot afford to spend time reading.

I understand. People get busy. That is why this book club allows you to take a one month leave. Just drop me a PM and tell me the exact date you can come back. For the period you are not free, no one will read your book and you would read no one's. Your book will still be up for BOTW in the case of >10 members though!

I don't have a book, can I join?

Of course. You are more than welcomed! Books will be assigned to you by the random shuffler or through recommendation. As mentioned, you should have read the rules for 'Readers'.

Any other questions?

Feel free to send me a PM or leave a comment behind.

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